20 Questions Submission Form

Gerard Cromwell's 20 Questions:

Your Name
1. GC: Your Club/Team
2. GC: Your Age

* These fields are not published on website

3. GC: How did you get started in cycling?

4. GC:  What was your first win?

5. GC: How often do you train?

6. GC: Favourite training spin?

7. GC: Best result / performance to date?

8. GC: Ambition in cycling?

9. GC: Favourite professional cyclist?

10. GC: Pet hates?

11. GC: How do you relax?

12. GC: Do you think 3rd Cats should be re-introduced?

13. GC: Apart from Ireland, where have you raced?

14. GC: Who will be the next Irish rider to win a Tour De France stage?

15. GC: Favourite race?

16. GC: Best rider you have raced against?

17. GC. Have you tried mountainbiking?

18. GC: What makes you a good cyclist?  

19. GC: Would you let your kids take up the sport?  

20. GC: Describe yourself in one sentence?  

Thank You for taking the time to complete the 20 questions.  This form will be forwarded to Gerard Cromwell for review and if it is suitable it will be posted on www.IrishCYCLING.com 

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