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2022 Eurocycles Junior Tour - Stage 3 Results

STAGE RACING : Junior Tour Last Updated: 16 Jul 2022 - 7:05:38 PM

2022 Eurocycles Junior Tour - Stage 3 Results
By Gearóid Campbell - Media Officer
14 Jul 2022,

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Today's results of the Eurocycles Eurobaby Junior Tour Stage 3 'West Clare’ covering a distance of 93.7KM.

With Ben Askey (BackstedtBikePerformance) winning the stage and his teammate Lucas Jowett (BackstedtBikePerformance) retaining the yellow jersey.

Stage Result - Sponsored by Esmark Finch Vehicle Engineering

1 Askey, Ben BackstedtBikePerformance 2h19m08s
2 Strachan, Sean Team Swift 2h19m08s
3 Oberding, Reilly ONTO 2h19m08s
4 Gilsenan, Adam Ireland 2h19m08s
5 Pattinson, Tom HalesowenAcademyMapei 2h19m08s
6 Brookes, Joe HalesowenAcademyMapei 2h19m08s
7 Leslie, Samuel Lee Valley Youth Club 2h19m08s
8 Bloch, Brayden BRE 2h19m08s
9 McKay, Shane Pinergy Orwell 2h19m08s
10 Ludman, Joshua BRE 2h19m08s

General Classification

1 Jowett, Lucas BackstedtBikePerformance 5h49m28s
2 August, Andrew Hot Tubes 5h49m48s @20s
3 Dodd, Mattie BackstedtBikePerformance 5h49m54s @26s
4 Askey, Ben BackstedtBikePerformance 5h50m01s @33s
5 Pattinson, Tom HalesowenAcademyMapei 5h50m01s @s/t
6 Strachan, Sean Team Swift 5h50m05s @37s
7 Che, Alejandro Velosport 5h50m05s @s/t
8 Bloch, Brayden BRE 5h50m07s @39s
9 Ludman, Joshua BRE 5h50m07s @s/t
10 Oberding, Reilly ONTO 5h50m07s @s/t

Team General Classification

1 Hot Tubes 17h29m35s
2 BackstedtBikePerformance @2s
3 Velosport @58s
4 Team Foremost @1m00s
5 HalesowenAcademyMapei @1m04s
6 ONTO @ s/t
7 Ireland @ s/t
8 VC Londres @1m28s
9 Lee Valley Youth Club @8m47s
10 Team Swift @12m14s

Full Results link

Junior Tour
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