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STAGE RACING : Junior Tour Last Updated: 2 Apr 2018 - 8:45:17 PM

By Tommy Campbell, Irish Independent, Evening Herald, Sunday Independent
19 Jul 2006,

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Cycling aficionados of the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and the 90’s on this side of the pond would recognise the names of Bill Holmes and Keith Lambert.

Both Holmes and Lambert were distinctive in their passion for competitive racing, but there is another side to the genial duo who I have observed at close quarters during the M Donnelly Junior which is based in Lough Lannagh Village.
They are part of a hard core of ex cyclists who are now devoting their time and ability to raise funds for the “Dave Rayner Fund.”

Dave was a young and popular cyclist from Bradford who was tragically killed in 1995. Initially there was a great outpouring of grief at his death and monies raised at that time were used to place a commemorative seat and stone on the banks of the river Aire at Garvave in the Yorkshire dales.

Like the majority of the two wheel brigade, Dave had his spot for a break at this spot for a break at the cyclists’ café where stories of the chain gang were spurted out for all those wishing to listen.

But, like the majority of good deeds that take place after bereavement, this did not peter out! It gained momentum and 10 years later the four trustees of the fund and five committee members are in situ which bears testament to the late Dave Rayner.
They agreed that all monies raised in his name would be channelled into the promotion of the sport. It would be aimed at the promotion of young British riders in establishing their cycling futures in mainland Europe. Giving them the opportunity to earn their chosen trade properly and to graduate to the professional side of the sport, which is a quantum leap at the best of times?
Since the inception of the fund a total of 149 cyclists have benefited. Alone this year 16 cyclists were supported for the full season and 3 young riders for a short three month European season. This equates to 40,000 pound sterling, not our euros for these boys!

If you would like to know more about the fund! Why not log on and you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

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