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STAGE RACING : Junior Tour Last Updated: 2 Apr 2018 - 8:45:17 PM

By Tommy Campbell, Irish Independent, Evening Herald, Sunday Independent
11 Jul 2006,

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Race Director Alice Sherratt with race leader Denis Dunworth (Stena Line) and Sponsor Ken Duff (Frank Duff's Bar in Bray)

The 29th edition of the Junior Tour now sponsored by M Donnelly rolled out from the Horkan’s Garden Centre in Turlough, Castlebar yesterday evening.

Keeping a watchful eye on the proceedings was Sean Horkan who himself was a successful amateur boxer and manager of an Irish Olympian team back in the 80’s.
Overseeing the proceedings was race director Alice Sherratt who looked regal in her distinctive royal blue polo shirt.

The first stage was a time trial over a distance of 2.8 miles or for those who have gone metric, 4.50 kms.

Dunworth passing his minute man with a half mile to go
The race of truth as it is known is not to everybody liking! This did not deter the young student from the Kingdom of Kerry, Denis Dunworth.

He stole the show on a beautiful evening when he posted the fastest time on the course which was slightly buffeted by a strong headwind.

Those who keep records of cycling events were quick to tell me that the Kerry lad had gone faster than Martin Munroe who led in the corresponding tour last year. Also, last year was the first occasion that an international test was held.

On paper it looked as though it would be a clean sweep for the visitors who are here in big numbers. With no obvious form book to go on, Denis’s win is of significance importance to all the Irish competitors who in there heart of hearts want to gain the high ground when it comes to the JT.

There has been a strong tradition of Irish successes in the event, but in the latter years, maybe the tide will turn in favour of a home success. For the first part of the proceedings, things looked good for Hot Tubes, Ben King who was atop of the leader board, before Thomas Martin of Cycling Ulster got his nose in front.

But matters really hotted up as the competitors in the latter half of the draw started to take waves towards the overall lead on the evening. But, when Denis Dunworth came into view having caught his minute man, Michael Kersten from Tempo BMV Veldhoven of Holland at O’Malley’s Concrete Works, his name was cast in ‘concrete.’

On hand to present the prizes for the evening was sponsor Ken Duff of “Duffs” in the Main Street in Bray who told me that he has a new acquisition to his cycling memorabilia in his hostelry in Co. Wicklow. A track bike belonging to one of Ireland’s finest ambassadors! Shay Elliott wore the race leader’s jersey in the Tour de France back in the early 60’s.

Stage sponsor Ken Duff (Duff's Bar in Bray) with Andrew Griffiths (Dave Rayner Team) Green Jersey, Denis Dunworth (Stena Line Ireland) Yellow Jersey and Thomas Martin (Cycling Ulster) White Jersey for best 1st year junior

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