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STAGE RACING : Junior Tour Last Updated: 2 Apr 2018 - 8:45:17 PM

By Tommy Campbell, Irish Independent, Evening Herald, Sunday Independent
16 Jul 2006,

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The 29th edition of the Junior Tour sponsored by M Donnelly certainly kept everybody and I mean everybody in suspense right up to the end.

Luke Rowe who has just turned 16 years of age and went through the British Cycling channels to be upgraded for this event, came out as the overall winner much to his and everybody’s else surprise at the outcome associated with the JT. Talking to him at Lough Lannagh Village in Castlebar, :”I was shocked as to the final outcome. They say cycling is a funny game at times and you never know the twists and turns that it will take,” said Luke a Weshman from Cardiff as he prepared for the prize presentation.

Lukes performance during the week was evidence enough that accumulated time wins out in the end. He was placed 9th on stage one, 2nd on stage two, 12th on stage three, 32nd on stage four, 12th on stage five and on stage six, 32nd.

Race leader Adam Bonser road strongly in the early part of the stage

So! What happened to the overnight leader Adam Bonser from Ashton-Under-Lyne who looked as though he would go out on the 60 odd mile run this morning?

Well the Mancunian to all intent and purpose set out this morning with his colleagues from the North West, Tom Diggle and Jonathon McEvoy with the sole aim to keep the pace high, which would negate any breakaway attempts.

True to their word, they did exactly that what was required of the team and the clock in the car of Tommy Deveraux who was driving the chief commissarie registering at 60kph and that is for Juniors who twiddle smaller gears to the big lads.

First to show off the front of the bunch was the South African Siphine Sowela wearing the distinctive polka dot jersey. Siphine was proud of his achievement the previous day, taking over that particular jersey and he was adamant that up front was the place to be. After all, Castlebar and the surrounding areas was a real hub of excitement as the crowd were converging on the town for the Connacht Football Final between Mayo and Galway, with victory being achieved by Mayo by a single point.

In around Westport the first crash of the race took place with Fergus Keogh of Stenaline Ireland and Patrick Rukert of Team Tempo BMV Veldhoven,. Hitting the deck.

Luke Rowe (wearing the white jersey for best 1st year junior)
Naturally, this was some thing that was not in the script and despite not being hurt, they crossed the finishing line.

It was a brave attempt by Sowela, but Bonser was not prepared to give anybody leeway.

Going out of Westport via the Ministers Hill, news from race radio advised us that Rukert had not only crashed but he had a broken fork which resulted in Michael Lawless the driver of the Broom Wagon making running repairs on behalf of the Dutch, such is the camaraderie within the event.

Unfortunately the real drama unfolded at Glenhest when literally it looked as though the sky had caved in. Lying in the ditch with blood pumping from his face the race leader looked a sorry state. From reliable sources, I was informed that Gys Vierling had fallen on a bend, whereas the majority of the competitors avoided the crash, Adam attempted a bunny hop over the stricken Vierling and came a cropper.

Fair play the medics were on the scene within seconds as the bunch had maintained a compact group give or take a few stragglers. On the side of the road under the direction of Michael Twomey all necessary steps were taken for the comfort of the two riders who in turn were transported back to the hospital in Castlebar.

The update on the injured pair is that Gys has been discharged and made the presentation. Whereas, Adam has been detained overnight and will go to Galway tomorrow for dental work. I have no doubt that Adam Bonser will bounce back and as a bikie he has a bright future ahead of him. He has all the attributes a good brain and a marvellous tactician as demonstrated on the stage before the misfortune.

It was refreshing to see how the bunch reacted to the misfortune of the pair, they virtually came to stop, but the news softly pedalled his way to them that as far as Bonser was concerned it was over and out for this event. Last year he finished 15th overall and the detail and planning was laid out for over a year only to end up in a hedge in Co. Mayo. At least he shares the distinction of crashing and losing the mailot jeunes, just as Chris Boardman in the Tour de France in Ireland in 1998, but the location was Youghal in Co. Cork.

Back to the racing, whereas Bonser had time in hand, now there were three competitors who could lift the crown, Luke Rowe, Ben King of Hot Tubes USA and Geert van der Saden Eight seconds separated the trio, but the escape of Zak Basson of South Africa did not suit them. Zak certainly put time into the bunch and got an advantage of two minutes and fifteen seconds before he was overhauled at Laradane which left the trio with little room to manoeuvre.

Andy Cornelison (Hot Tubes, USA) wins the final stage in a bunch sprint

In the end, Hot Tubes USA may have failed to land the major they got compensation with a stage win by Andy Cornelison ahead of Ross Yates of Scotland with Jonathon McEvoy of Adam’s team North West taking third.

Luke Rowe of Dave Rayner Team took the race winners jersey on the final day

For Luke Rowe it was a dream come through and he’ll be back in 2007 to defend. Luke had a distinguished backroom staff, Bill Holmes who the Tour of Britain and Keith Lambert who was an excellent professional and Luke was quick to acknowledge their work and that of the team who he spoke so highly of and wanted them to know how much he appreciated their help.

(Left-Right) Michael Kilcoyne (Local Politician), Simon Holt (Points Competition Winner), Luke Rowe (Overall Winner), Siphine Sowela (Mountains Competition Winner), Brendan Henaghan (Mayor of Castlebar) and Ray Norton (Castlebar Town Manager)

As for the M Donnelly Junior Tour, they would like to acknowledge the help and assistance received from Westport, Ballina, Castlebar Councils. Mayo County Council for their help in facilitating the tour in the County. The Gardai and the Civil Defence and all who helped throughout the week and mine host Lough Lannagh Village for their courtesy and obliging staff.

M Donnelly Junior Tour, stage six, 65 miles.


1 Andy Cornelison (Hot Tubes, USA), 2hrs.30mins.39secs;
2 R. Yates (Scotland), same time;
3 J. McEvoy (North West), st;
4 B. King (Hot Tubes, USA), st;
5 R. Vann (Sinnigeboun Wilterteam), st;
6 K. Barclay (Scotland), st.

Final Overall:

1 Luke Rowe (Dave Rayner Team), 13.45.55;
2 B. King, @3 secs;
3 G. van der Sanden (Team Tempo BMV Veldhoven), @8;
4 S. Holt (West Midlands), @26;
5 McEvoy, @27’
6 B. Sinnige (Sinngeboun Wilterteam), @1.45.

Mountains:S. Sowela (South Africa).
First Year Junior-Rowe.
Team-Dave Rayner Team.

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