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STAGE RACING : Junior Tour Last Updated: 2 Apr 2018 - 8:45:17 PM

By Tommy Campbell, Irish Independent, Evening Herald, Sunday Independent
15 Jul 2006,

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The fourth day of the M Donnelly Junior Tour and not alone has Alice got a top class stage race on the road! She now waves her magic wand as she regularly does with her crew and introduces a beautiful morning. The sun is high in the sky and all around Lough Lannagh Village where the event is staying, the feeling is upbeat!

Ballina Street & Arts Festival 2006 in conjunction with the Ballina District Council is the sponsors of the day’s stage which will take the competitors on a trek through some of the most beautiful countryside in Co. Mayo.

In and around the streets of the town of Ballina which is festooned with flags and bunting there are various groups in fancy dress. During the ceremonial start, a gang of cowboys are on hand to marshal the competitors into Pearse Street, minus their horses which I was reliably advised were resting after Wednesdays Heritage Day which was a qualified success when the town was heaving with visitors from all over the globe. But back to the task on hand for the cyclists who were heading off on a 63 mile stage.

A gang of cowboys are on hand to marshal the competitors into Pearse Street

The timekeeper Danny O’Shea had not only tripped his watch after the countdown from Pat O’Dowd. The stage went into over gear as the competitors opened the throttle and leading from the front were Neal Corbett of South Africa and Michael Kersten of Tempo BMV Veldhoven. Within a couple of miles they had an advantage of 30 odd seconds on the bunch which to all intent and purpose were not in slow motion. When the duo’s lead went to 40 seconds, Stenaline-Ireland pair Denis Dunworth and Fergus Keogh, Jonathon McEvoy of North West initiated their response to the leaders with South Africa’s Dana Minne who was sent to act as the policeman for his colleague up front.

It was interesting to say the least that the duo were gaining on the bunch, whilst the quartet were just dangling off the front of the peloton as the miles were clocked up.
Going through Ballycastle, the chasers had been absorbed and motorbike commissarie Phil O’Brien was of the opinion that the bunch had upped the anti and was intent on ending the escapee’s freedom especially on the sharp descent into the town. On the incline out of Ballycastle, they obviously found a new lease of life as they were in no mood to surrender the advantage which had been hard earned over the first 20 miles of racing, which at that point of the proceedings since day one, was the longest break of the event to date over three stages.

The race starting to break up at 20 miles

The rigours of forcing the pace eventually resulted in Kersten losing contact, but Corbett who had come from South Africa for the race was adamant that surrender was not a word he would conjure up in a road race. At the first KOH he went over in front and shortly after he was swept up by a bunch that was all over the shop as a result of the first climb of the day which had an impact on the proceedings.

Heading for the second KOH, Jake Griffin in the Polka Dot jersey which is sponsored by Westport Town Council had the misfortune to puncture. With the pressure now on, it looked as though he would have difficulty regaining the high ground with the main pack. Unfortunately he never made the cut before the second KOH, but he eventually did come back to the main bunch which had decreased in bodies because of the frantic pace that was all the rage as the competitors passed by Cede Fields which is a renowned tourist spot in this county, and further afield.

Race leader Adam Bonser
Our race leader Adam Bonser had other thoughts as Alistair Carr and Denis Dunworth had moved to the head of the race and was projecting themselves into a move that ultimately decided the pattern of the stage for the reaming 30 odd miles of competition.
The trio were now in command of all they surveyed and were steadily building a platform that would see them through the finish of the stage.

Their advantage was always in the ascendancy and when the bunch observed the Blackboard which informed of the advantage, they would cut the deficit back, but not once did it threaten the trio to failure on the road. At Bellacorrick with the now defunct ESB generating station, the lead was back to one minute fifty seconds. At Crossmolina with the Banner welcoming the M Donnelly Junior Tour to the town the gap was hovering on the minute marker.

Up front, Bonser was more or less contributing the most to the break and he seemed totally unconcerned to his breakaway colleagues who were quiet happy to make their contribution to the lead whenever they so desired.

In the losing stages, it was evident that the advantage was reduced to a mere 49 seconds, but I presume that Adam Bonser was happy the time advantage gained was in his bank in deference to his closest challenger, Luke Rowe who happens to be the youngest competitor in the race.

The penultimate stage will surely wrap up the proceedings as to where the JT trophy will end up. Adam is fully aware of the today’s course and the thought of going up the ‘Gap’ once was soul destroying, but twice will be heart rendering.

M Donnelly Junior Tour, stage four of six.

Ballina/Bangor Erris/Crossmolina/Ballina, 68 miles.

1 Adam Bonser (North West), 2hrs.43mins.27secs;
2 A. Carr (West Midlands), same time;
3 D Dunworth (Stenaline-Ireland), st;
4 A. Griffiths (Dave Rayner Team), @49secs;
5 S. Holt (West Midlands), st;
6 G. van der Sanden (Team Tempo BMV Veldhoven), st;

Race leader Adam Bonser recieves another yellow jersey from Chief motorcycle marshall Pat Dowd

Overall after four stages
1 A Bonser, 8.29.09;
2 L. Rowe (Dave Rayner Team), @1.25;
3 B. King (Hot Tubes USA), @1.26;
4 S. Holt (West Midlands), st;
5 G .Sanden, @1.31;
6 J. McEvoy (North West), @1.44.

Mountains-J.Griffin (Sinnigeboun Wilterteam).
1st Year Junior-L. Rowe (Dave Rayner).
Team-North West.

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