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NON-COMPETITIVE Last Updated: 6 Apr 2018 - 12:06:24 PM

By Paul O'Donoghue, Audax Ireland
9 Mar 2005,

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Sorrento Cycling Club in South Dublin has long been associated with touring and now the club continues that tradition by becoming the official organiser for AUDAX events in Ireland.

Audax riding is a form of long distance touring where the main challenge is the distance rather than the speed. Over the years many Irish cyclists, both male and female have taken part in events on bikes, trikes and tandems. Since 1987 Ireland has been represented at the Paris Brest Paris(1200K) run every four years, this is the blue riband event of Audax cycling with over 4000 cyclists representing 28 countries. Within the last few years Irish cyclists have successfully completed Boston Montreal Boston(1200K), London Edinburgh London(1400K) and Paris Brest Paris.

Paul O’Donoghue, a veteran of many long distance events such as ‘Paris Brest Paris’ and ‘London Edinburgh London’ and Irish record holder for the 12 hour and 24 hour Time Trials has organised a series of AUDAX events in 2005.

Commencing on March 26th at 8am is the first event – a 200Km cycle starting in Tallaght. After the first control, the riders head towards Enniskerry, Greystones, Rathnew and on to Rathdrum where there will be another control. The cycle continues to Aughrim, Tinahely, Colnegal (control), Tullow, Baltinglass (control), Blessington and on towards the finish back in Tallaght. The entry fee on the day will be €2.50 to cover admin costs. For cyclists without insurance cover, a Cycling Ireland 1 day licence can be purchased for €10.

All participants are required to cover a set distance within a designated time; as there is a minimum and maximum time limit, it is up to the cyclist to set a pace to match their ability. The minimum speed for the ride is 15 KPH / the maximum 30 KPH giving a large leeway of time for completion of the event. Participants are issued with a route sheet and brevet card, which states the location, distance and opening/closing times of the controls. At controls, time and proof of passage must be recorded, as proof that the ride was completed within in the specified time.

All cyclists are welcome, though some form of insurance is required, if this is not available a Cycling Ireland day license can be issued. Due to the distances covered some degree of self-sufficiency is helpful and mudguards, a saddlebag and 25mm+ tyres are advised, though not compulsory. On events of 300K and over, lighting is required as the rider may be out between dawn and dusk.

2005 EVENTS:
This year we will be running a Super Randonneur series in Ireland consisting of the following events:

Admittedly these distances may appear daunting to anyone who has not covered this type of ground before, but in recent years several people have ridden all the events in the same year, not having exceeded 200K before.

If you are interested in cycling further than normal, completing a Super Randonneur series or attempting the London Edinburgh London in 2005 contact:

Paul O'Donoghue
Audax Ireland / Sorrento Cycling Club
12 Tinnapark
Co. Wicklow
Telephone: 01 2810546

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