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PICTURE GALLERY : Other Photographers Last Updated: 2 Apr 2018 - 8:45:17 PM

Flanagan 2 Day & Donamon GP Pictures
By Gear McIlroy and Martin McNally
20 Jun 2011,

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Pictures from the event courtesy of Gary McIlroy

U14 Finish

U16 Finish

Results Stage 3
1 Doyle,Anthony U/A 30'38"
2 Finnegan,Derek Liverpool Century 30'38"
3 O Sullivan,Stephen Dectek 30'38"
4 Meehan,Andrew Dectek 30'42" @04"
5 Buggle,Aaron U/A 30'42" @ s/t
6 Reilly,Chris Bohermeen CC 30'42" @ s/t
7 Kiernan,Mark Murphy Surveys 30'42" @ s/t
8 Lynch,John Murphy Surveys 30'42" @ s/t
9 Whelan,Brendan Lucan CC 30'42" @ s/t
10 O Regan,Tim Dectek 30'42" @ s/t


Donamon Dynamos Grand Prix
Pictures from the event courtesy of Martin McNally

The beautiful picturesque village of Castlecoote in Co Roscommon was the venue for the Donamon Dynamos Grand Prix held on Sunday last.

This is always a great day with a lot of work put in by this hard working club. We had ice cream before the start and a great lunch after the event for everyone, this is the way to go.

The 75 rider that came to the start line for this event came from all corners of the country and gave some great racing.

First off were the A1 & A2 and they put in a very fast pace around the 10m circuit with many breaks getting away only to be reeled again but on the final lap a group of 8 riders stayed away and at the line Craig Sweetman Stamullen RC was very strong to take the sprint from Charles Prendergast Cunga CC with Chris Greavy, U/A in third.

The break with a small gap on the final lap

The A1/A2 leaders on lap 4

The chasers a few seconds down

Craig Sweetman Stamullen RC takes the sprint from Charles Prendergast Cunga CC

The rest of the top six in the A1 / A2 race

1. Craig Sweetman, Stamullen RC
2. Charles Prendergast, Cunga C.C
3. Chris Greavy U/A
4. Alan Galavan Slaney cc
5. John Kenny Navan Road Club
6. Eugene Murtagh Lucan cc

The Service Matters A3 /A4 race was again a fast event with many small breaks but no one getting away and the bunch staying together to the line.

Alan Coyle Shannonside Wheelers was strongest at the line holding of Derek Joyce Galway Bay in second and Keith Walls, Dectek in third

1. Alan Coyle Shannonside Wheelers
2. Derek Joyce Galway Bay cc
3. Keith Walls Dectek
4. Brian Martin, 7 Springs cc
5. Brian Reynolds, Lucan cc
6. David Farrell, Longford cc

First Lady: Regina Cunningham Longford cc

Under 16:
1. Daire Feeley Donamon Dynamos
2. Jason Prendergast Covey Wheelers Westport C.C
3. Kieran Henninghan Western Lakes cc

Donamon Dynamos Cycling club would like to thank the Gardai, Civil Defence and all of the marshalls.

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