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PICTURE GALLERY : Other Photographers Last Updated: 2 Apr 2018 - 8:45:17 PM

Mick Cahill Memorial Cycle Race
By Cormac Cahill
14 Mar 2010,

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A large field participated in the 9th annual Mick Cahill Memorial Cycle Race promoted by Banteer Cycling Club on Sunday, 14th March.

The A1 and A2 races were the first to start. A break of 5 riders got away on the first lap (including Sean Lacey, Mick Fitzgerald, Niall Brosnan (The Edge Cycling Club) and Aidan Gallery (Limerick CC) and soon opened up a gap of a minute. This gap hovered at around this level but at one stage grew to over a minute and a half. In the last lap Sean Lacey jumped and quickly opened up a gap of 57 seconds staying clear to the end. The main bunch came close to catching the remaining trio from the original group but they held on finishing 15 seconds ahead of the chasing bunch. Mick Fitzgerald and Niall Brosnan made it a 123 for The Edge Cycling Club. With Aidan Gallery coming in fourth.

Some pictures from the event taken by Cormac Cahill

A1 A2 Race Pictures
Main race breakaway group

the main bunch

A1 race winner Sean Lacey

2nd, 3rd and 4th finishing

The bunch finishing

A3 and A4 Race Pictures

A3 / A4 Race winner Brendan McLoughlin

Race winner Sean Lacey receiving the Mick Cahill Memorial cup from Mary Cahill


1. Sean Lacey The Edge
2. Mick Fitzgerald The Edge
3. Niall Brosnan The Edge
4. Aidan Gallery Limerick CC
5. Daniel Clifford Killorglin CC
6. Tim Barry The Edge
7. Michael Hennessey Fermoy CC
8. Keith Gater Commeragh CC
9. Alan Loftus The Edge
10. Paul Giblin Galway Bay CC

A3 and A4

1. Brendan McLoughlin Blarney CC
2. Eddie Keogh Unattached
3. Pat Ahearne St Finbarrs
4. John Murphy Fermoy CC
5. Stephen McNamara Clonmel CC
6. Alan Jackson Galway Bay CC
7. Shane O’Donaghue Commeragh CC
8. Ian Ormond Clonmel CC
9. Damien Roche West Clare CC
10. Maurice Hickey Dungarvan CC

A large field of 135 riders lined out in the A3 & A4 race. The large field remained as one bunch for the first few laps but eventually split into 3 distinct groups. Brendan McLoughlin led the race home in a bunch sprint.


Any images included in this article remain the property of the photographer, by whom all rights are retained, 2010 ©. Use of images for electronic or print purposes is may be possible with the express, written permission of the photographer.

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