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PICTURE GALLERY : Other Photographers Last Updated: 2 Apr 2018 - 8:45:17 PM

RAS LUIMNI - Race Pictures
By Kieran Clancy /
28 Mar 2010,

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Short report by Gary McIlroy

In the A1 A2 race, on second Lap, Sean Lacey went away with Keith Gater and Jarlath Hassett. Built up a max lead of 1min 30.

On second last lap they were joined by 7 chasers. Lacey attacked on last lap and got max lead of 30 seconds but the exposed straight run into the finish led to him being caught in the closing Kilometers setting up for a group sprint which you have the top 10. The bunch were less than 30 seconds back.

Pictures from the event courtesy of Kieran Clancy, Photographer, 087-2532015

Ras Luimni, Caherconlish, Co. Limerick

1 Andrew Ahern Dan Morrissey
2 Sean Lacey The Edge Racing
3 Michael Storan West Clare CC
4 Paul Giblin Galway Bay
5 Keith Gater Comeragh CC
6 Patrick Clarke Castlebar CC
7 Richard Hooton Kanturk
8 Jarlath Hassett West Clare CC
9 Siobhan Horgan E.S.G.L
10 Kevin Shelly Dan Morrissey

A3 Race
1 Brendan McLoughlin Blarney CC
2 Willie Curtin Kanturk Town
3 Pat Ahern St. Finbarrs
4 John Murphy Fermoy
5 Gerhard Hack Western Lakes
6 Frank Doyle Fermoy CC

A4 Race
1 Brian Murphy Western Lakes
2 Brian Hart Limerick CC
3 Eoin Ryan Swords CC
4 Patrick Creen Earl Of Desmond
5 Shane O Donoghue Comeragh CC
6 David Queally West Clare CC

212 riders across all categories.
Great Weather. Great Organisation. Amazing Garda Turn out.


Any images included in this article remain the property of the photographer, by whom all rights are retained, 2010 ©. Use of images for electronic or print purposes is may be possible with the express, written permission of the photographer.

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