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OTHER CYCLING : Paracycling Last Updated: 2 Apr 2018 - 8:45:17 PM

Big Send-Off planned for Irish Paralympic Team
By Denis Toomey
11 Aug 2012,

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The 49 strong Irish Paralympic Team which includes 10 Paracyclists and their 4 man support team will be given a Big Send Off on Wednesday evening next at Bewley’s Hotel near Dublin Airport. The Irish Team depart for their Holding Camp in Coimbra Portugal early on Thursday Morning. The Irish group The Saw Doctors will be on hand to give them a send-off to remember. Family, friends and supporters are all welcome to come along from 7pm on Wednesday.

The Cycling Team for the Games includes the holders of 5 current World Championship Titles so hopes will be high for Ireland to secure its first ever Paralympic Cycling Medals at the Games in London.

Female Tandem pairings of Catherine Walsh & Fran Meehan and Katie-George Dunlevy & Sandra Fitzgerald will be joined by Male Tandem pairing of James Brown & Damien Shaw. In the solo bike categories we have Colin Lynch, Cathal Miller and Enda Smyth with Mark Rohan completing the Cycling Team in the Handcycling category.

The Support Staff attending include Denis Toomey – Manager, Brian Nugent – Coach, Gerry Beggs – Mechanic and Terry Cromer Assistant Coach/Mechanic.

The squad move from Portugal to the Paralympic Village on 24th August and the Opening Ceremony takes place on the 29th of August. Competitions for the cycling team start on the 30th at the Velodrome until the 2nd September and the Road competitions take place at Brands Hatch from the 5th to 8th September.

The Closing Ceremony is on the 9th and the Irish Team return home on the evening of the 10th.

We wish the Irish Paralympic Team The Very Best of Luck at the Games.

Setanta Sports will be offering 10 hours Free to View coverage each day of the Paralympic Games. You can also keep up to date by checking the Paralympics Ireland website or the Paracycling Ireland website

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