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OTHER CYCLING : Paracycling Last Updated: 2 Apr 2018 - 8:45:17 PM

Brian Nugent Named as Cycling Ireland Head Coach
By Cycling Ireland
1 Feb 2013,

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Nugent Becomes Head Coach overseeing Olympic and Paralympic Teams for Rio 2016

Cycling Ireland has named Brian Nugent as Head Coach, responsible for all cycling teams in the next Olympic and Paralympic Cycle. This move is part of the Restructuring of the Cycling Ireland High Performance Coaching Unit in the build up to the 2016 Games in Rio.

Nugent is Cycling Ireland’s longest serving staff member, having been involved with development and High Performance coaching since 2006. His previous role was National Performance Coach, where he specialised in Elite Paracycling for the last number of years.

Under the tutelage of Nugent, the Paracycling Team developed and progressed to its current status as one of the leading nations in elite Paracycling. This team has yielded six world titles, 2 Paralympic titles, and multiple Paralympic and World Championship medals.

Speaking about the appointment Cycling Ireland CEO Geoff Liffey said “We are very pleased seeing Brian get further opportunities with Cycling Ireland, and are excited to see how this progresses. We hope that Brian can replicate the success in London at the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Rio.”
The restructuring of the High Performance coaching unit will see the appointment of a fulltime development coach over the coming weeks, who will be reporting to Brian Nugent as Head Coach.

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