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OTHER CYCLING : Paracycling Last Updated: 2 Apr 2018 - 8:45:17 PM

Brilliant Start to by Irish Squad to UCI 2012 Paracycling Track World Championships.
By Denis Toomey, Irish Paralympic Manager
10 Feb 2012,

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The 2012 Paracycling Track World Championships got off to the best possible start for the Irish Team this morning at the Home Depot Velodrome in Carson L.A.

In the 3km Female Tandem Pursuit Qualifiers Catherine Walsh and her Pilot Francine Meehan set a new Irish Record of 3:37.392 to finish in first place and guarantee a ride off for the Gold Medal in the afternoon’s finals.

Katie-George Dunlevy and Pilot Sandra Fitzgerald in the 3km

Irish tandem newcomers Katie-George Dunlevy and Pilot Sandra Fitzgerald showed that they will be future contenders when setting a PB time of 3:48.767 to give them an excellent 7th place finish in the qualifiers.

Not to be outdone our male tandem pairing of James Brown and pilot Damien Shaw also qualified for a Gold Medal ride off when their new Irish Record time of 4:26.778 secured them 2nd place in the 4km Pursuit qualifiers and a chance to ride off for Gold against the Australian tandem in the finals.

Close behind them in an excellent 6th place were Andrew Fitzgerald and pilot Con Collis in a PB time of 4:33.334 which would have been a new Irish Record except for James & Damien going faster in their heat.

In this afternoon’s finals Catherine and Fran were in the first Final Ride off against the British Tandem pairing of Aileen McGlynn and Helen Scott. They rode a superbly paced race as the British duo built up almost a second lead by the half-way stage but Catherine & Fran picked up the pace and not only pulled back the Brits but had almost 3 seconds to spare when they crossed the line. A terrific performance that had the stadium on their feet.

Catherine Walsh and her Pilot Francine Meehan on the podium

In the men’s final it was a slightly different story as the Australian duo of Bryce Lindores and Scott McPhee opened a good lead right from the start and in spite of James and Damien closing them down a bit in the last few laps they still had 3 seconds to spare at the finish and were deserving winners. However had we been told before-hand that we would be in the Gold Medal ride-off we would be over the moon. Another terrific result and a slot for London an additional bonus for the two lads.

James Brown and pilot Damien Shaw on the podium

Tomorrow sees our 3 single bikes of Colin Lynch C2, Enda Smyth C3 and Cathal Miller C5 in action in the Pursuit Qualifiers in the morning and hopefully some more Irish riders in the finals in the afternoon. All four tandems will also be back in action in the 1km Individual Time Trial in the afternoon session. Let’s hope day 2 will continue where day 1 left off.

A big thanks to the support staff of Coach Brian Nugent, Mechanics Gerry Beggs and Paddy Davis, Masseuse Fionnuala Kirby and Performance Analyst Alan Swanton for the great part they all played in helping to secure Ireland’s First ever Paracycling World Championship Track Rainbow Jersey’s.

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