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OTHER CYCLING : Paracycling Last Updated: 2 Apr 2018 - 8:45:17 PM

Forty Day Countdown to London Games for Irish Paracyclists
By Denis Toomey
18 Jul 2012,

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Pictured at the Forty Day 2012 Paralympics Countdown launch of the blog is Ireland captain Paul O’Connell and Robert Adams of Focus Consulting with current UCI Paracycling World Champions Catherine Walsh, Franchine Meehan, Colin Lynch and Mark Rohan. The team will provide training and preparation updates in the final build up to the London 2012 Paralympics including team member blogs. The website and blogs can be accessed on

Irish rugby captain Paul O’Connell was on hand to start the 40 day countdown to the London Paralympics for the Irish Paracycling team. The team marked the milestone by launching a team blog which will chart the final preparations as the team sends its largest paracycling representation to the Paralympic Games in London. The blog will include regular updates from team members in addition to profiling all members of the Paracycling team and management. The Irish team have secured seven slots in Paracycling for the 2012 games and will travel to London holding five current world titles.

Team Manager Denis Toomey explained the level of interest is so high in the team based on the recent World title successes that it was important to establish a platform to detail the preparations for the London games. Denis Toomey outlined ‘ The team has seven bikes competing in the Road Competitions and six bikes in the Track Competitions so preparation has involved a lot of travel to gain valuable training time on an indoor Velodrome not available to the squad at home. The road racing preparation has also involved participation in Paracycling World Cup races in Italy and Spain.’

He added ‘This joint initiative with team sponsor Focus Consulting provides an ideal platform to keep the many fans and supporters right up to date on our preparations and how things are going during the Games themselves. Pressure will be on to follow our 2011 and 2012 World Championship successes with Ireland’s first ever Paralympic Cycling Medals. On current form the squad are in a great position to produce the necessary results in London.

Pictured at the Forty Day 2012 Paralympics Countdown launch of the blog is Ireland captain Paul O’Connell and Robert Adams of Focus Consulting with the Irish Paracycling squad who will send Irelands largest ever Paracycling representation to the Paralympics. The team will provide training and preparation updates in the final build up to the London 2012 Paralympics including team member blogs. The website and blogs can be accessed on

The website and blogs can be accessed on

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