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OTHER CYCLING : Paracycling Last Updated: 2 Apr 2018 - 8:45:17 PM

Gold & Bronze Medals for Irish Team at Paracycling Road World Cup in Italy
5 Jun 2015,

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Colin Lynch Gold Medal ParaCycling Road World Cup June 5th
Gold Medal for Colin Lynch and Bronze for Tandem Pairing of Katie-George Dunlevy and Eve McCrystal

The Irish Paracycling Team got their 2015 road campaign at the opening round of the UCI Para-cycling Road World Cup in Maniago Italy, in fine style with Colin Lynch storming to a Gold medal in the Time Trial. This was followed up in the afternoon by a great Bronze medal from the female tandem pairing of Katie-George Dunlevy and Eve McCrystal. Also in action this afternoon in the time trial were the male tandem pairing of James Brown and Mark Bleakley who finished in 20th position.

This morning’s Gold medal will have been particularly satisfying for Colin Lynch, as he beat Russian Arslan Gilmutdinov into second place who had denied him a bronze medal earlier in the year at the Track wOrld Championships in Appeldoorn. Speaking of his performance, Cycling Ireland Coach Neill Delahaye said “This was a result of hard work and increased training over the last couple of months. Colin has stepped up his efforts to overcome his disappointment at the Worlds and is determined to deliver improved performances over the summer road season.”

Eve McCrystal and Katie-George Dunlevy got off to a great start in the women’s individual time trial in Maniago today. Conditions were very challenging in the afternoon with temperatures up to 30 degress Celcius. Despite the heat Katie-George and Eve pulled off a great performance and finished in third position behind the Polish and Dutch teams finishing less than a minute behind the winning time.

The World Cup in Italy runs on to Sunday when all 3 bikes will be in action in the Road Race events. Next up for the team then will be the following round of the Road World Cup at Yverdon-les-Bains in Switzerland next week stating on 14th of June.

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