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OTHER CYCLING : Paracycling Last Updated: 2 Apr 2018 - 8:45:17 PM

Ireland Secures a Record Seven Cycling Slots for London 2012 Paralympic Games
By Denis Toomey, Irish Paracycling Manager
13 Mar 2012,

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The International Cycling Union (UCI) today announced that following publication of the Combined Nations Ranking List that Ireland has been awarded 5 Men’s and 2 Women’s, Cycling Slots for the 2012 Paralympic Games in London.

“Recent success by the Irish Squad at both the 2011 Road World Championships in Denmark and last month’s Track World Championships in Los Angeles, have helped to shoot Ireland to number 11 in the Combined Nations Ranking List and help secure a record 7 slots for our small but great nation.” Said Irish Paracycling Manager, Denis Toomey. Ireland secured one cycling slot for the 2004 Games in Athens and four cycling slots for the 2008 Games in Beijing. Speaking after the confirmation of the slots Cycling Ireland CEO Geoff Liffey said “The increase in secured slots from 4 to 7 in the current Paralympic Cycle demonstrates the commitment and continued progress made by the athletes, team manager, coach and support staff over the past four years”

Picture of the Paracycling Ireland Squad and Support staff taking before the successful Track World Championships in January this year.

The squad will now face a very busy 5 months as they try and maintain peak fitness into the Games at the end of August. They will base their track preparation at the Palma Arena Velodrome in Majorca which provided a huge boost to their preparations for last month’s Track World Championships. The road preparation will revolve around the UCI Paracycling Road World Cup Series with races in Rome in May and Segovia , Spain in June. They will also compete in the National TT Championship in Clonmel.

With Ireland holding a massive 5 current Paracycling World Championship Titles going into the games we are well placed to bring back the first ever Irish Cycling Medals from the Games when the squad returns on the 10th of September.

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