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OTHER CYCLING : Paracycling Last Updated: 2 Apr 2018 - 8:45:17 PM

Irish Paracycling Squad for UCI Paracycling Road World Cup Announced.
By Denis Toomey, Irish Paracycling Manager
6 Jun 2011,

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A 12 strong squad of Irish Paracyclists head to Segovia Spain this week to compete in the 2nd World Cup of 2011 form the 10th to 12th of June. The squad includes the two Irish leaders in the competition Mark Rohan in the H1 Category and Colin Lynch in the C2 Category who will be attempting to retain their World Cup Leaders Jerseys they won in Sydney last month. Mark secured another P1 Win this weekend when winning the H1 Road Race in Oensigen Switzerland and he also finished 3rd in the Time Trial.

In the Female Tandem category Catherine Walsh and her pilot Francine Meehan will be hoping to repeat their success this week when the won the Female section of the Tandem Tour of Belgium a 4 stage road race. They will compete in both the Road Race and Time Trial in Segovia.

Ireland will have three tandems competing in the Male Tandem category as riders aim to impress the selectors for the Road World Championships later in the year. Andrew Fitzgerald and pilot Damien Shaw will be joined by newcomers John Goldrick from Sligo piloted by Anthony Walsh and UK based James Brown will be piloted by regular stalwart Con Collis.

The World Cup will see the welcome return to international competition of Enda Smyth in the C4 category who missed out on early season competition due to injury but has fought back well and regained his place on the squad for Spain.

Kerry rider Trix Schwedler will be competing in the Female C5 Category in both the Road Race and Time Trial.

Welcoming the announcement Irish Paracycling Manager Denis Toomey said “Following the Irish success at the first World Cup in Sydney expectation are high but we will watched a lot more closely by all countries who will be trying to keep us off the podium. We have selected a very strong squad and all are in very good form so fingers crossed we will bring back the medals from Spain and pick up additional Ranking Points for London qualification.”

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