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OTHER CYCLING : Paracycling Last Updated: 2 Apr 2018 - 8:45:17 PM

Lynch and Rohan grab Silver at the World Cup in Merano
7 Jun 2013,

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Double Silver for Ireland in first World Cup of 2013

Colin Lynch and Mark Rohan have both won a silver medal in their respective Time Trials in their first International outing since the Paralympic Games last year. This is a strong start to their season, with the Road Races due to take place over the weekend.
Handcycling Paralympic Champion Rohan was outpowered by Italian Luca Mazzone, who is new to the race scene, in the Time Trial, while Aaron Keith from the USA pushed Lynch into second place in the MC2 Time Trial.

Speaking from Merano Head Coach Brian Nugent said “It is good to see where we stand at the beginning of a new cycle, especially when we are starting with two silver medals. There have been a number of changes in our squads and in the squads of other nations, so we are looking forward to the Road Races over the weekend and building on this performance towards the World Cup in Segovia next weekend.”

Racing continues tomorrow with the Road Races in all categories.


First International Outing for Paralympic Medallists
6th June 2013

In what will be the first major competition this year for the Irish Paracycling Squad, a large team has travelled to Merano in Northern Italy for the first leg in the World Cup Series, on the Road, in the UCI Paracycling Calendar. Experienced and decorated riders like Mark Rohan and Colin Lynch will be looking to defend their World Titles, while emerging Irish talents will also be testing their strengths.

At the Paralympic Games Ireland won four medals on the Road, with the male and female tandems taking Bronze in the Time Trial, while Mark Rohan dominated both the Road and Time Trial in the Handcycling events. With the World Cup Track Cycling Series not taking place this year, the competition will be high in all the road events.

Speaking ahead of the event in Italy, Head Coach Brian Nugent said “The squad arrived in Italy early on Tuesday and we have spent time getting familiar with the Race circuits. It’s our first major competition of the new cycle and we have made a good few changes to our line-up. We are looking forward to making a positive start building our squad towards Rio 2016.”

Racing starts on Friday with the Time Trial events for all riders, the Road Races take place on Saturday and Sunday.

Full Team:
World Cup Italy 7th - 9th June:
Catherine Walsh & Fran Meehan
*Katie-George Dunlevy & Anne Dalton
*Andy Fitzgerald & Ian Inglis
Colin Lynch
Enda Smyth
Mark Rohan

*Note new pilot pairing

World Cup Spain 14th - 16th June:
As above and including:
Cathal Miller
*Gerry Twohey

*New Member to the Irish Squad and First World CUp

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