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OTHER CYCLING : Paracycling Last Updated: 2 Apr 2018 - 8:45:17 PM

By Michael Considine
28 Sep 2012,

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The South East Road Club in conjunction with Cycling Ireland will host the All Ireland Time-Trial Championships for Paralympic Cyclists. It is also the Final event in the National Paralympic Cycling league and will take place on Saturday the 6th October 2012. The event is endorsed by both Cycling Ireland and the locally supported by the South East Road Club, which looks after the interests of cyclists in the South Wicklow and North Wexford area.

Cycling Ireland and the South East Road Club is delighted to be hosting an event of its stature. It is a very special event as it is the first time that many of the succesful paralympians will be in competetive action.
This is a very prestigious event as well as being the final event in the National Paralympic Time Trial league it is also the All Ireland Championship. Many of the participants will have completed very successfully in the recent Paralympics.

Among those expected to compete are the double Paralympic Gold winner, Mark Rohan, the bronze medal winners in the tandem time trial, James Brown and Damien Shaw who also won Silver medals in the World championships in April of this year and Catherine Walsh and Fran Meehan who took both a bronze medal in the Paralympic Road tandem cycling and a silver medal for track cycling. Colin Lynch who was fifth in the C2 time trial and Cathal Miller who was 11th in the C5 Time Trial are expected to be competing.

The event itself will be mainly based in the Arklow area with the event HQ being the Arklow Rocks Clubhouse on Cemetery Road, Arklow. The route for the time trial is from the Kish, Arklow to the roundabout at Tinnock, Gorey. The first competitor is “off” at 1pm. The course is based on the N11 and starts at the Kish Roundabout, Arklow and heads for County Wexford and returns back to the start at the Roundabout, Tinnock , Gorey, which is located beside the well-know Greenes Berry Farm. The total distance is 20 kilometers. Full details of the route taken from Google Maps, are on the “ southeast roadclub” website.

The Presentation Ceremony will take place at the Leisure Centre on Seaview Avenue, Arklow at approximately 2.30 pm onwards. Darragh McDonald from Gorey who won a Gold medal in the Paralympic Swimming Events has been invited as a special guest to the event.

This event relies on the support of the local people and appreciates their generous support. Arklow Town Councillors have been especially generous and have made a very generous contribution from their own resources, which has helped greatly towards the staging of this event. At least six members of the Roosters Motor Bike Club, Avoca, Co. Wicklow are willing to act as Motor-bike marshals.
The Chief Organiser of the event is Arklowman and succesful cyclist himself, Frank O’Leary who now works as a full-time coach with Cycling Ireland and who recently managed the succesful Irish Junior team at the European Championships where they won a silver medal in the time trial and in the World championships where one of the team took ninth place in the time trial, which are some of the best of the best results for Irish Junior cyclists in recent years


More informative details in relation to the event will be released in due course and are subject to minor changes.
Frank O’Leary, Cycling Ireland – (086-83333899)
Michael Considine –South East Road Club – (087–9866992)

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