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OTHER CYCLING : Paracycling Last Updated: 2 Apr 2018 - 8:45:17 PM

Three More Top 10 finishes for Irish Paracycling Squad in L.A.
By Denis Toomey, Irish Paralympic Manager
12 Feb 2012,

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3 Irish cyclists were in action today on Day 3 of the 2012 Paracycling Track World Championships in Carson L.A. Newly crowned 3km Pursuit World Champion Colin Lynch was first off in the C2 1km Time Trial where in spite of putting in 2 massif efforts yesterday he still manage to set a New Irish Record of 1:19.245 which was good enough to give him 4th place overall.

Enda Smyth in TT

In this afternoon’s session Enda Smyth was up first in the C3 category and finished in a very credible 7th place just outside his Irish Record in a time of 1:15.593. But for having a heavly strapped up wrist following a fall in training earlier in the week he would surly have set a PB and finished even further up the table.

Enda after the finish

The finial Irish rider Cathal Miller was next up in the C5 Category where he was sitting in 2nd place for most of the event after clocking a great 1:10.670 on what is a slow track. However the last four three riders just upped the pace and ended in a New World Record set by Jon-Allan Butterworth of GB in a time of 1:07.212 to take the Gold. China took the silver and Spain the Bronze. Cathal’s time left him in 6th place overall.

Cathal Miller in TT

As all three riders finished in the Top 10 of their categories there will be the added bonus of Country Ranking Points to be gained for Ireland to help secure slots for the London Paralympic Games.

Tomorrow’s last day of competition sees the Female Tandem of Catherine Walsh and Fran Meehan along with the Male Tandem of Andrew Fitzgerald and Con Collis compete in the Match Sprint Competition. Colin Lynch, Enda Smyth and Cathal Miller will combine to compete in the Team Sprint Competition. Whilst none of our squad would be considered sprint specialists we are sure they will keep the flag flying and continue to do us all proud. Whatever happens 2 Gold and 1 Silver Medal from a Track World Championships is certainly a historic achievement for a nation that does not possess an indoor Velodrome. Great credit to the athletes, to their coach Brian Nugent and all the support staff that have worked so hard to make this happen.

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