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OTHER CYCLING : Paracycling Last Updated: 2 Apr 2018 - 8:45:17 PM

Walsh and Meehan best of the Irish at UCI Paracycling Europa Cup P1 Races in Italy
By Denis Toomey
25 Jul 2011,

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The Irish Paracycling squad continued their winning streak at the weekend when Female Tandem pairing of Catherine Walsh and Fran Meehan won both the Road Race and Time Trial to secure “First Place” in General Classification (GC) at the UCI P1 Europa Cup race in Verolanuova Italy.

Colin Lynch finished 1st in yesterday’s Time Trial and 3rd in Saturday’s Road Race to secure an excellent “Second Place” in GC in the Male C2 Race.

Male Tandem pairing of Andrew Fitzgerald and pilot Con Collis secured Ireland’s highest Male Tandem finish in a UCI race when taking 3rd overall in GC. They had a terrific ride in Saturday’s Road Race to pull back the lead group after puncturing in the second lap and were in the sprint for second place after the Italian World Champions had broken clear to take the win. Andy & Con finished a great 3rd in the Road Race and finished 4th in yesterday’s Time Trial which kept them in 3rd place overall in GC.

Male C3 rider Enda Smyth finished 4th in Saturday’s Road Race and 5th in yesterday’s Time Trial to leave in him in a great 5th place overall in GC in the C3 Category.

Cathal Miller’s 2nd place in yesterday’s Time Trial shot him up the leader board to 7th in GC in the C5 Category after the 11 man Italian Team ruled the roost in Saturday’s Road Race leaving Cathal in 13th position at that stage.

As this was a UCI P1 event the great results from all the squad competing in Italy will add nicely to Irelands “Nation’s Ranking” count towards London 2012 qualification.

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