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PICTURE GALLERY : Peter Purfield Last Updated: 2 Apr 2018 - 8:45:17 PM

An Post Meath Heritage Cycle Tour - Pictures
By Peter Purfield
6 Jul 2009,

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Some pictures from the event taken by Peter Purfield

The start outside Trim Castle of the 160km & 100km events

Both events share the same route for the first 76kms

There were over 370 riders taking part in the various routes

Some of the Leisure squad, they are very organised they come complete with team car

The local Bohermeen club were out in force and I'll bet they were never on these roads before

The course designer Joe Roche found some fantastic cycling roads around Co. Meath

People might think, there's not much in Meath, well they would be wrong, this area is one of the best places for cycling in the country

A group passing by the Hill of Tara, one of the many Historical sites on Route

The event was well sign posted with safety warning signs

With so many turns on route, there must have been hundreds of marshals, the main road crossings were manned by Gardai

Back in Trim, the 40k Fun Cycle heads off 2 hours after the main event

Minister Noel Dempsey leads the group out the Dublin Road

The was lots of people on this run

It was a great day for a family cycle and we did not get any rain

I reckon these two kids really enjoyed the spin, this has to be much more fun than going for a drive in the car and its healthier too

Everybody settled down to their own pace and enjoyed the countryside

Back to the 160k route, and as you can see the route markings were very good, two guys here going through the lovely village of Crossakeel on their way to Oldcastle

120kms up and we only had a light bit of rain, unlike the rest of the country

The leading group hitting one of the climbs near Oldcastle

This has to be one of Ireland's cycling treasures, we used to call them Dual CabbageWays

More of these unique little roads on the border of Meath and Cavan

Riders stop at the last Food Stop of the day, there is lots of food and drink for everyone

Cyclists get back on their bikes for the final run back to Trim

3km to go, a welcome sign after 157kms of cycling

And back at the finish, it's smiles all round, everyone gets a finish certificate and goody bag

The next An Post Cycling Series events are

30th August - 'Sean Kelly Tour of Waterford'
13th September - 'Rebel Tour' Cork

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