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PICTURE GALLERY : Peter Purfield Last Updated: 2 Apr 2018 - 8:45:17 PM

By Peter Purfield
17 Jun 2010,

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Some pictures from the event taken by Peter Purfield

The startline of the main race of the day, the race would run for 45 minutes on a 2km circuit

The event attracted a great crowd around the start / finish area

Two of the pre race favourites David O'Loughlin and Mark Dowling

Up and coming junior Gavin Keane leads them away on the first lap

At the end of lap one - two riders, Michael Redden and Colm Robinson are clear of the main field

The gap is only a 20 meters

The two leaders stay clear and steadily open the gap

There are several attempts from the bunch to cross the gap to the leaders but all fail

O'Loughlin and Dowling are both in good shape after having a successful FBD Ras

The race passes the Expert Electrical Store who are sponsoring the event

Just after the halfway point, David O'Loughlin goes on the attack

The two leaders still have a good gap on the main bunch

O'Loughlin puts it up a notch and powers across the gap with Dowling chasing close behind

David O'Loughlin (An Post Sean Kelly Team)

More riders try to leave the main group and bridge the gap

A lap later and O'Loughlin with Dowling have joined Redden and Robinson

The leaders turning left at the top of the town at the Royal Canal bridge

The four leaders all working well together open the gap to 40 seconds

The main group is letting go now

The leaders keep the head down

100 meters to go the four are still together and O'Loughlin leads it out

David O'Loughlin (An Post Sean Kelly Team) wins the Expert Mullingar Criterium 2010

Gavin Keane comes in 6th and takes the top junior prize

Another junior Thomas Feeley takes 7th

Craig Sweetman leads in the main group to take 8th place

Results: Expert Mullingar Criterium
A1 / A2 Race

1 David O'Loughlin An Post Sean Kelly
2 Mark Dowling
3 Michael Redden South Dublin Zilcom
4 Colm Robinson Stamullen M Donnelly
5 Andrew Meehan
6 Gavin Keane Donamon Dynamos
7 Thomas Feeley A.C.B.
8 Craig Sweetman Stamullen M Donnelly
9 Padraig Marrey Western Lakes
10 Brendan Whelan Lucan Staggs CC

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