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PICTURE GALLERY : Peter Purfield Last Updated: 2 Apr 2018 - 8:45:17 PM

By Peter Purfield
15 Jul 2009,

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Some pictures from stage around South West Mayo taken by Peter Purfield...

The second stage started in the gounds of the beautiful Westport County Hotel were the staff and management went out of their way to make the race entourage welcome, the Hotel Manager officially started the stage.

The race heads west towards Croagh Patrick

Local Mayoman Padraig Marrey watches the race pass

The pace was high

Several attempts by riders to break away were unsuccessful

Two riders have a small lead passing through Louisbourgh

More rider try to get clear, but the bunch reels them in after a few kms

And again there are more attempts to get clear.

The Yellow jersey is close to the front of the bunch

Heading to Hillary Harbour the fast pace continues

Fantastic scenery in this part Ireland

Even though the race was flat out, this guy Joren Segers (Hand in Hand Baal) rode off the front and opened up a gap of nearly 3 minutes, he took all three KOM primes

The bunch chasing through Leenane

There were several sheep on the roads heading for the KOM primes

The fast pace continued across the KOM's in pursuit of the lone leader

With about 30k remaining Joren Segers was still clear with over 1 minute

Lawrence Brooking (North of England) jumped clear of the bunch and chased after the leader

Next to leave the bunch was Louis Meintjes (South Africa)

Brooking joined up with a tired Segers and led with a gap of around 1 minute 30 seconds with 20km to go

At 15km to go two more riders Meintjes and Matt Bailey (BCF WestMidlands) were in pursuit of the two leaders

The two got up to the lone leader Brooking, at 12km to go Segers had blown

At the finish the young South African Louis Meintjes took the stage win ahead of UK riders Matt Bailey and Lawrence Brooking

The bunch finishing 44 seconds behind

The top three on the stage were all first year juniors

A delighted Matt Bailey moves into the Yellow jersey

Donnelly Junior Tour - Westport) 105kms.

1 L. Meintjes (South Africa), 2hrs.41mins.57secs;
2 M. Bailey (BCF WestMidlands), same time;
3 L. Brooking North of England (North of England0 st;
4 P. Williams (Stena Ireland) @44secs;
5 R. Marshall (VC Lincoln), @st;
6 S. Doona (Ireland Development), st.

Overall after two stages:

1 M. Bailey, 2.49.43;
2 L. Brooking, @4secs;
3 L. Meinjtes, @7secs;
4 D. Schils(Lotto Olympia Interbike), @33 secs;
5 J. Cooper (BCF Westmidlands), @40secs;
6 R. Weenekes (WV Eemland Holland), @42 secs.

Points: Matt Bailey,
Mountains: Joren Segers (Hand in Hand Baal).

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