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PICTURE GALLERY : Peter Purfield Last Updated: 2 Apr 2018 - 8:45:17 PM

By Peter Purfield
17 Jul 2009,

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Local politician Enda Kenny, Leader of the Fine Gael party presents Charles Prendergast and his Stena Ireland team with the race leaders jersey before the stage start.

Enda Kenny does the honours to drop the flag to start the 115km stage in Castlebar

Similar to the last couple of days, lots of attacks going off the front from the start

At Newport the race is all together

A few riders are just off the front of the bunch as they go into Mulranney

We turn north for Bangor Erris and the scenery again is stunning today

Strong north westerly crosswinds cause the riders accross the road

Once we hit the long straights, the lineouts start

Two riders clip away and open a gap of 45 seconds

Race leader Charles Prendergast who was inactive early on goes to the front

The two leaders are now joined by two more

A short distance later, one rider goes ahead on his own

It is the young South African rider, Louis Meintjes who won stage three

The bunch is holding Meintjes at around 40 seconds

The leader Meintjes passing an old man with his donkey and cart, a sight that brings one back to the old days in rural Ireland

Meintjes powers on in windy conditions still holding a sizable gap

As we pass the Shell Gas pipeline terminal three more riders have joined the leader

Another 4 riders are about 50 meters behind, but instead of riding across the gap as a group they attach one another and only two of them make it into the leading group

The leaders with 15 km to go have opened the gap to around 2 minutes

Prendergast has taken matters into his own hands and sets chase to hold onto his yellow jersey

The leaders are all riding through along the coast road to Ballycastle

The other riders in the chase group can not stay with Prendergast over the two KOM primes before the finish

3km to go and the leading group is still together

At the finish Matt Bailey who had the leaders jersey on Wednesday, won the stage into Ballycastle and goes back into the Yellow jersey

The podium after stage 4 from Castlebar to Ballycastle

M. Donnelly Junior Tour, stage four, Castlebar/Ballycastle 113kms.

1 M. Bailey (BCF West Midlands), 3hrs.10mins.38secs;
2 P. Wiliams (Stena Ireland), same time;
3 L. Meinjtes (South Africa), st;
4 L. Brooking (North of England), @3secs;
5 A. van Wachtendonk (WV Eemland/Holland), @8secs;
6 M. Gregg (North of England), @22secs;
7 J. Segers (Hand in Hand Baal), @1.24secs;
8 C. Prendergast (Stena Ireland), st.

Overall after four stages:
1 Bailey, 9.02.25;
2 Meintjes, @7 secs;
3 Prendergast, @50;
4 Brooking, @52;
5 D. Schils (Lotto Olympia Interbike), @1.39;
6 JC Nell (South Africa), @1.41:
7 P Bowater (BCF West Midlands), @1.47;
8 R. de Greef (Tempo BMV), @1.51.

Points: Bailey.
Mountains: Meinjtes.

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