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PICTURE GALLERY : Peter Purfield Last Updated: 2 Apr 2018 - 8:45:17 PM

STAMULLEN GRAND PRIX - A1 & A2 Race Pictures
By Peter Purfield
19 Apr 2010,

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Some pictures from the event taken by Peter Purfield

The Senior A2 riders were given a 1' 30" head start

The A1 group leaving Stamullen for 6 laps of a 20k circuit

The leading A2 group first time up the hill after 7k of racing

Two rider just off the front of the A1 group

The leading group at 25k

The A1 group are still chasing

The leaders in Stamullen at the half way point, still 60k to go

The next group back

The front of the race with 2 laps / 40k to go

The leaders enter the village with one lap to go

Friday and Saturday's race winner Mark Dowling crashes out of the leading group

Mark retires from the race and is not seriously hurt

The bell rings out - 'Last Lap'

50m to go two riders, Paul Griffin and Adam Armstrong sprint it out

Armstrons takes the win, adding another trophy to his numerous victories since the season started

The next group sprinting for 3rd place

JOEY WHYTE MEMORIAL CUP – 120K – Winning time 2:46:19

1 Adam Armstrong, Eurocycles
2 Paul Griffin, Tralee
3 Patrick Clarke, Castlebar CC
4 Michael O’Reilly, The Edge
5 Frazer Duncan, Eurocycles
6 David Peelo, Murphy Surveys CC
7 Philip Finegan,
8 Mark Kiernan, Murphy Surveys CC
9 Lorcan Davoust, SDCC
10 Gareth Enright, Murphy Suveys CC
11 Stevan Franzoni, Mullingar
12 Drew McKinley, Newry Wheelers CC

Patrick Kennedy Memorial Cup (Unplaced A2’s)

1 Andre Engerman, St. Tiernan’s CC
2 Chris Coyle, Castlebar CC
3 Richard Hootan, Kanturk CC
4 Fergus O’Connor, Fermoy CC
5 Gary Crory, Planet X
6 Con Collis, Ravens CC
7 Gavin Keane, Donamon CC
8 Wes Murphy, Dublin Whlrs
9 Alan Clogher, Stamullen M Donnelly
10 Colm Bracken, Murphy Surveys
11 Ciaran Conluain, UCD
12 Odhran Connors, Orwell Dundrum SC

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