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STAGE RACING : Stage Events Last Updated: 2 Apr 2018 - 8:45:17 PM

Omagh Sports Forum Tour of Ulster 2009
By Press Release, Paul Nugent, PRO, Tour of Ulster
26 Feb 2009,

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The Omagh Sports Forum Tour of Ulster, the premier cycle stage race in the province, is pleased to announce the race’s main sponsor for the third year will again be Omagh Sports Forum. The race will take place on Bank Holiday weekend, Saturday 2nd May - Monday 4th May 2009 in County Tyrone.

The race will follow the same format for a third year, based in Omagh, due to the huge success in the area, plus the continued major sponsorship from Omagh Sports Forum. Omagh Sports Forum is delighted to be involved in presenting this prestigious event which is in keeping with its policy of attracting major sporting events to the Omagh District. Without the Forum’s sponsorship the event could not have proceeded.

Forum Chairman, Councillor Bert Wilson, speaking at Monday’s launch in Omagh Leisure Complex said, “When approached by the Ulster Cycling Promotions Club, the Forum again enthusiastically jumped at the opportunity to sponsor the Tour. To again host and stage a race of this calibre west of the Bann is a tremendous fillip for sport. I am already impressed by the high quality of the likely participants. Many of these are already well known in the world of Cycling.” He went on to say “The race will attract a lot of visitors and visiting racing teams to the Omagh District, and over the 3 days of the race it will bring great sporting and economic benefit to the District.”

Michael Murray from Lurgan who has taken over the role of Race Organiser form Colin Boyle, speaking about the challenges he faces in his new role Michael said, “I am enjoying the responsibility that organising such an important event brings, and looking forward to a challenging route and exciting race. I am also pleased to announce that we have secured sponsored for the Tour of Ulster from Omagh Sports Forum for the third year”.

While the event will be based around the Omagh Council area, the various stages will take the cyclists through large areas of Fermanagh, including Enniskillen and Fivemiletown , and a stage across the beautiful Glenelly Valley will take the race as far east as Cookstown and Magherafelt. One critical stage to be run off near Omagh itself will be the short time trial where the top cyclists will have their best opportunity of gaining a few seconds over their nearest rivals. Over the three days of racing, the Tour of Ulster cyclists will race approximately 250 miles.

The winner of last years event was triple winner of the event, Belfast’s David Mc Cann (Giant Asia Pro Team) a former Irish Road Champion and Olympian with second place going to his team mate Paul Griffin (Giant Asia Pro Team) & third place Dublin’s Neil Delahaye (Usher Irish Road Club).Most of the top Irish riders are expected to make up the expected field of around 100 cyclists,
In addition to the Omagh Sports Forum being main sponsors, the race has also attracted support from the Sports NI and Gallen Vehicle Hire.

Launch of the 2009 Omagh Sports Forum Tour of Ulster will take place Monday 2nd March @ 2pm at the Omagh Leisure Complex

Omagh Sports Forum web site:


Below is a brief outline of the route.

Details of the route are as follows:

Stage 1 - Saturday 2nd May - 122 km - Omagh to Omagh. A tough opening stage for the tour with 2 climbs, including Sionfinn (CAT 1) just outside Fintona, the last climb of the day coming 16 km from the finish.

Stage 2 - Sunday 3rd May – 108 km - Omagh to Omagh. A very tough stage with 5 climbs, including Gortin Glen (CAT 1) the last climb coming only 10 km from the finish.

Stage 3 - Sunday 3rd May - Omagh 3.7 km (TT) - Dromore Road.

Stage 4 - Monday 4th May – 107 km Omagh to Omagh. Yet another tough stage with another 5 climbs, and with the last climb 20 km from the finish.

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