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OTHER CYCLING : Sundry Items Last Updated: 12 Nov 2022 - 7:07:42 PM

Cycling Ireland and Gym+Coffee Announce Partnership Extension
By Gavin Quinn, Communications Officer, Cycling ireland
8 Nov 2022,

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Team Ireland rider and Gym+Coffee Ambassador Lara Gillespie - Image credit: AtomCreates
Cycling Ireland are excited to extend our partnership with our official leisure clothing partner Gym+Coffee until the end of 2024.

Gym+Coffee became a Cycling Ireland partner in August 2020, providing athleisure clothing such as hoodies and polo shirts for our world class athletes and staff.

We are delighted to continue working with a fast-growing Irish company that share our values such as inclusivity and community.

Cycling Ireland Interim Operations Manager Scott Graham Said:

“We are delighted to be extending our partnership which will see our world class athletes sporting Gym+Coffee’s world class hoodies. It has been a real pleasure working with the team at Gym+Coffee and seeing the Irish owned companies’ growth and international expansion in recent years.”

“We are particularly proud to partner with a brand which has a ‘Make Life Richer’ ethos and is such a strong advocate for inclusivity, sustainability, and women’s sport.”

Gym+Coffee Co-Founder Diarmuid McSweeney said:

"We are proud to partner with Cycling Ireland and delighted to extend our partnership until 2024. Working with the Cycling Ireland team, it is clear to see the tangible momentum achieved in recent years and the vision of the team is inspiring. There are so many shared values that make this work for us so well. On top of that, it is amazing to follow our ambassador Lara Gillespie as she prepares for Paris. She is the next generation and inspiring young girls below her at the same time!"


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