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STAGE RACING : Rás Tailteann Last Updated: 28 Jan 2022 - 4:42:23 PM

2022 Rás Tailteann is Go
By Gerry Campbell – Race Director
27 Jan 2022,

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Press Release:

Cáirde Rás Tailteann is excited to announce that plans are moving ahead regarding the return of An Rás Tailteann to the roads of Ireland this year.

As of today, the committee is reaffirming its commitment to staging An Rás Tailteann 2022, one of Irelands most Iconic and beloved sporting events. The intention remains to stage it in a 5-day format from Wednesday 15th to Sunday 19th June next, using the same planned route as previously published for 2020 / 2021.

Over the next weeks the committee will be reassessing the individual elements of the route, accommodation, and safety measures, considering the enforced postponements during the last 2 years, triggered by the onset of Covid 19. This is necessary to ensure that there have not been and will not be any major obstacles or planned changes along the physical route, that could influence the safe running of the event.

It was also agreed this week that the baton of Race Director would transfer from Amsterdam based Eugene Moriarty to Ger Campbell. This seamless intragroup transfer is primarily due to practical reasons after intensive efforts since 2019 to get the event back on the road, which was heavily impacted by the onset of Covid -19. Eugene remains as a key member of the original 6-person group which includes Seamus Domegan, Pat O’Shaughnessy, Colm Rigley and Ciarán McKenna. All well-known and highly respected figures in the Irish Cycling scene.

Over the coming weeks Cáirde Rás Tailteann aim to step up its efforts and begin to communicate more about the 2022 event as and when appropriate.

Cáirde Rás Tailteann are also keen to point out that they continue to work very closely with Cycling Ireland to promote the event and thanked the national organisation for their continued commitment and assistance.

Cáirde Rás Tailteann would like to thank everyone for their continued messages of support.

Details of 2020 Race stages which will probably be similar in 2022

Stage details of the 2020 event cancelled due to Covid-19

Rás Tailteann
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2023 Stage 5 Pictures
Rás Tailteann 2023 – Stage 5
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