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OTHER CYCLING : Track Racing Last Updated: 2 Oct 2021 - 11:59:09 AM

Ireland Team Named For 2021 Track Cycling European Championships
By Scott Graham, Marketing & Communications Manager
1 Oct 2021,

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Media Release: 01.10.2021

Irish internationals JB Murphy, Emily Kay, Kelly Murphy, Alice Sharpe and Mia Griffin have been selected for the UEC Track Cycling European Championships in Grenchen, Switzerland from October 5th to 9th.

The Championship is the first major track event since the Tokyo Olympic Games and represents the first step towards Paris 2024. The Women’s Pursuit Team will be the first Irish riders in action with qualification taking place on Tuesday, October 5th. Emily Kay, Kelly Murphy, Alice Sharpe and Mia Griffin will combine to form the team and will be hoping to lay down another strong performance.

Along with the Team Pursuit Emily Kay will compete in the Omnium and Scratch Races. Tokyo Olympian Kay has five European Championship medals in her palmares and was in great form in the Olympic Omnium before a crash derailed her hopes of a top finish.

Individual Pursuit Track National Champion, Kelly Murphy, has been in great form this season and will go into the event full of confidence. Along with national medals Kelly won double gold at the Track Nations Cup in St. Petersburg back in July where she broke the National record for the Individual Pursuit. Murphy will focus on the Individual and Team Pursuit for the European Championships.

Mia Griffin will also compete in the Individual Pursuit and will be looking to build on her performances from the Track Nations Cup in July where she won bronze in the same event. In addition to the Team Pursuit, Alice Sharpe will compete in the Points race and has been fully focused on preparing for the European Track Championships over the past number of months.

JB Murphy has a packed European Championship schedule racing the Scratch, Points, Elimination and Omnium events.

Two riders will also be selected for the Women’s Madison which takes place on October 9th.

Interim Head Track Cycling Coach, Paul Manning said:

“The Elite European track championships in Grenchen Switzerland this October 2021 represents the first step after Tokyo 2020 and on our journey towards Paris 2024. The team is keen to test themselves against returning Tokyo Olympians and some new fresh faces at this level. We go into the event focusing on achieving our best performances.”

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Track Racing
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