Pictures from the event courtesy of Darren Crawford
Results CicliSport GP 2011
A Race
1. Sean Downey (C�tes d�Amour)
2. Thomas Martin (EuroCycles)
3. Fraser Duncan (EuroCycles)
4. Sam Craig (Curran Racing)
5. John Madden (Curran Racing)
6. Chris Richardson (Castlereagh CC).
B Race
1. Cathal Doyle (Carn Wheelers)
2. Mark Alexander (West Down Wheelers)
3. Tony McPeake (U/A)
4. Barry McKenna (West Tyrone Velo CC)
5. Kevin McAlinden (Banbridge CC)
6. Eugene Power (Omagh Wheelers)
First Woman Ciara Mac Manus (U/A). Weefoot Trophy
1. Daniel Stewart (Ards CC)
2. Ian Inglis (Curran Racing)
3. David Neil (Phoenix CC)
4. Danny Hunter (Errigal CC)
5. Niall McAree (Emyvale McQuaid Tyres)