

Posted in: Irish Racing
By Shane Stokes
Jun 27, 2010 - 1:39:00 PM

13.05: A total of 93 riders signed on for today’s Elite road race championship in Sligo, which is being run off in bright weather. The riders will tackle 11 laps of a 13.7 kilometre circuit; it’s mainly over rolling roads, with one real climb, that of Tully Hill.

Almost immediately after the drop of the flag Matt Brammeier (An Post Grant Thornton M. Donnelly Sean Kelly) attacks on a drag up out of the town.

He draws clear, and has been joined by Ryan Connor (Usher IRC) and Sean Lacey (The Edge).

Colin Robinson (Stamullen) is in pursuit behind, and further back, Colm Quinn (Cuchulainn), Simon Williams (Orchard CC), Roger Aiken (Planet X) and Dominic Jelfs (UC Aubenas) are also chasing.

13.08: They have caught Robinson, and Quinn has been dropped.

13.10: Martyn Irvine (Planet X) was one of a few riders further back. He’s got across to the chasing group, while Robinson has gone back.

13.14: The leaders have reached Tully Hill, a fairly short, steep ramp with is flanked by good crowds. This number is certain to grow as the day goes on.

The chase group is 42 seconds back at the bottom of the climb.

13.18: After seven kilometres of racing, the chasers have bridged across. There’s now seven leaders – Matt Brammeier (An Post Grant Thornton M. Donnelly Sean Kelly), Ryan Connor (Usher IRC), Sean Lacey (The Edge), Simon Williams (Orchard CC), Roger Aiken, Martyn Irvine (both Planet X) and Dominic Jelfs (UC Aubenas) .

13.20: They have completed their first lap and are now on number two of eleven laps.

13.26: A five man group just screamed across the gap, driven along by David O’Loughlin (An Post Grant Thornton M. Donnelly Sean Kelly). Also there were Adam Armstrong (Eurocycles/Eurobaby), Connor Murphy (Eurocycles Eurobaby), Paul Giblin (Galway Bay) and David McCann (Giant Asia).

They joined up approximately 15 kilometres after the start.

13.27: Dan Martin (Garmin Slipstream) and Sam Bennett (VC La Pomme) are also coming across. Meanwhile, Giblin has been dropped.

13.28: Defending champion Nicolas Roche (Ag2r La Mondiale) has joined the leaders too, approximately 18 kilometres into the race.

There’s now 14 leaders. Thomas Martin (Eurocycles/Eurobaby) is trying to get across but he’s a full 14 seconds back; that’s going to be tough.

Most of the big names are here. Obvious exceptions include Connor McConvey and Mark Cassidy (An Post Grant Thornton M. Donnelly Sean Kelly) and Philip Lavery (Look Cycling Academy).

13.37: There are a number of chasers further back, including Marcus Christie (Usher IRC) and Stephen O’Sullivan ( CC).

13.41: The leaders have completed lap two and are the hill back out of the town.

13.47: The eight chasers are one minute 30 seconds back. They are Tim O’Regan and Stephen O’Sullivan ( CC), Thomas Martin (Eurocycles/Eurobaby), Paul Giblin (Galway Bay), Nathan Morgan (Newry Wheelers), Jonny Cole (Team Madigan), Brendan Lacey (The Edge) and Marcus Christie (Usher IRC).

13.51: This chase group is riding a big ragged, with some jumping around. Can't see them getting across, unless they knuckle down.

Giblin has been dropped by the chasers.

13.53: The break is now at the climb. At the last time check, the bunch was 2’30 back.

13.54: McCann opened up a slight gap over the others on the climb. He’s been in very strong form this year, taking ten wins for his Giant Asia team. The most recent was the time trial championships on Thursday, his sixth victory in the event.

In UCI races, only André Greipel (HTC Columbia) has more wins that McCann – he’s got twelve.

13.57: McCann opened up a seven second lead but is now back in the lead group. Bit early to make a move anyway, so no harm in waiting until later.

14.01: The leaders have crossed the start/finish line for the third time. They are now on lap four...just under eight laps to go.

The chasers are 1'40 back at the line, while the bunch is 2'20 down.

14.07: The chase group is losing time; they are 1'50 back, while the peloton is also slipping back to 2'40 behind. We are currently back with the chase group but should be returning to the peloton shortly...just waiting for a support car to come up.

14.14: The break is turning onto the climb again…

14.16: The chase group is under pressure on the climb; Nathan Morgan and Jonny Cole have cracked. O’Sullivan has also gone back – looks like he is cramping badly.

14.19: The chase group looks to have cracked. Christie has pushed on ahead, while Thomas Martin, O’Regan and Brendan Lacey are a couple of seconds back.

Martin has now jumped across to Christie. They plug on ahead into this headwind, while the others are losing serious ground and will go back to the bunch.

14.26: The bunch is now three and a half minutes back, so anyone who isn’t in this lead break is, we suggest, toast.

Mark Cassidy (An Post Grant Thornton M. Donnelly Sean Kelly) has pulled out of the race. Not sure why, although he did miss this move.

14.36: We are unfortunately still back with what is left of the chase group; we should move forward soon, so will bring you more information. The lead group is all together, though, so there’s been no attacks of note.

14.47: There’s a group of about ten to twelve chasers catching Martin and Christie now. Connor McConvey (An Post Grant Thornton M. Donnelly Sean Kelly) is here.

14.55: This chase group is over three minutes back, and not working well together. They are no threat to the leaders. The best thing would be for a smaller number of riders to try to push ahead – there’s too many here, and a lot sitting on.

15.09: Still all together up front – they crossed the start/finish line a couple of minutes ago. Less than five laps to go now. We expect things to get spicy in another couple of laps.

The chasers are a long way back now, and really don’t look like they will get back up there.

15.46: Bear with us – had to change cars to ensure that we’ve the best possible view for the last three laps.

Matt Brammeier attacked – must have been around about the start of the ninth lap. Three to go now. Roche and O’Loughlin went across, with Dan Martin driving the chase.

The nine leaders are back together. It’s missing a few of the original batch – Jelfs and Connor Murphy were amongst those who have gone back.

Lacey and Irvine are being dropped on the drag about 3 km into the lap.

15.51: Roche has gone clear! O’Loughlin, McCann, Brammeier, Martin and Bennett are chasing behind, but Roche has a good lead. He hasn’t yet reached the climb.

15.54: Roche has 14 seconds lead. Brammeier is chasing behind, then there are four others a few seconds further back – O’Loughlin, Martin, Bennett and McCann.

15.57: Brammeier is six seconds behind Roche. Armstrong and Irvine have caught the other four riders. They are turning onto the hill now – Roche is far off in the distance, with Brammeier inbetween him and the six-man chase group.

Irvine and Armstrong have been dropped on the hill. McCann has also been dropped – that’s surprising.

Brammeier is at 12 seconds, with Bennett, O’Loughlin and Martin at 18 seconds.

16.03: Wow – McCann went back up to the others, jumped them and got across to Brammeier. They got back to Roche.

Brammeier has now attacked! The three other chasers are just five seconds behind Roche and McCann.

16.06: Roche and McCann have pulled away from those chasers, and have caught Brammeier again. Those riders have all crossed the start/finish line and are on the penultimate lap. The five chasers are losing time.

16.09: Martin attacked on the drag out of the town, but was unable to get a decent lead. He needs a col, not a ramp.. He’ll have to try something on the hill this time – his only chance is to gun it from the bottom of the climb, shedding the others and trying to get across alone. O’Loughlin is unlikely to help with Brammeier up front. His group are now 30 seconds back…

16.10: Martin and O’Loughlin are attacking, but can’t get clear. However Armstrong and Irvine have been distanced…they should get back on.

16.14: O’Loughlin attacked – Martin got across and they have 30 metres over the others. They are nearly at the climb; the three leaders are 26 seconds clear.

16.20: Martin and O’Loughlin bridged across on the climb! Great riding by them…

16.24: Brammeier went clear about a minute ago and has six second’s lead… He is getting close to the end of the lap.

McCann jumped – Roche and O’Loughlin went after him, Martin has been dropped….

16.26: As they head over the start/finish time to take the bell, Martin has got back up to the others…there’s four chasers again, with Brammeier now ten seconds clear. Martin is leading the chase, with O’Loughlin marking him.

16.30: It’s very tactical now, with the An Post numerical superiority (two riders amongst the five in contention) helping Brammeier. But he’s coming back…

16.31: Roche has jumped across! O’Loughlin is a few seconds across…Martin and McCann are a little further back.

This climb is going to play a very crucial role…

16.32: There’s now two leaders, and three chasers – O’Loughlin was caught by the other two..

16.34: Martin needs to try to go ballistic on this climb if he is to get across…Roche and Brammeier are pulling further ahead.

16.35: The two leaders have 28 seconds….they have about a kilometre to go to the climb. Superb racing here…it’s been great to watch.

16.38: The two leaders are pulling further and further ahead…is Roche en route to two in a row, or can Brammeier pull off a big upset?

16.39: Roche is attacking on the climb….

Brammeier has covered the move, so they are still together…

16.40: Martin has attacked! He’s in pursuit…has he left it too late….?

16.42: He’s still about 25 seconds back…he’s got to give it absolutely everything…there’s only about four kilometres left now..

O’Loughlin and McCann are working together to try to get him back.

16.43: The leaders are still together…

16.45: Martin looks to be closing up…

McCann has left O’Loughlin and is closing on Martin… Brammeier is not riding, Roche has to do it all…

Brammeier jumped with about 300 metres to go...he opened up a gap on Roche, and the Ag2r La Mondiale rider was not able to close it...

Brammeier is the new national champion, taking a very good win for the An Post Grant Thorton M. Donnelly Sean Kelly team...Roche second..

The winner is from Liverpool but took out an Irish passport and racing licence last year.

16.50: Martin beat McCann in the sprint for the bronze medal…O’Loughlin came in for fifth. The An Post team are registered in Belgium this year so they are not eligible for the team prize…We’ll get the info later on which team won that.

We’ll have to leave it there for now…need to get results and quotes. It was a great championship, thanks for reading!

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