Posted in: National Teams
By Shane Stokes
Jul 27, 2005 - 8:19:00 PM

Irish riders competing in the European Junior Track Championships in Italy last weekend had mixed fortunes, with some good performances interspersed with bad luck.

Michael Murray placed a fine 16th in the final of the 10km Scratch race. He came through the qualifying rounds to reach the final of 30 riders, then sprinted home in the group disputing the win. The honours went to British rider Matthew Rowe.

Murray had an unexpected call-up the following day when he had to stand in for Martin Munroe in the pursuit. Munroe became ill with fever and had to withdraw. Still recovering from the scratch race the night before, Murray stood in and recorded a time of 3 minutes 44 seconds, placing a respectable 27th.

Maurice O'Brien rode well in the qualifying rounds of the 25 km points race, but was hit by some bad luck in the final. He got through to the last 30 and was going well until he was brought down by crash. He suffered cuts and bruises and was unable to continue.

The CI track commission said they were happy with the showing. “Despite illness and injury, the squad performed extremely well in their first major championships.”

The world track team is due to be announced next week.