Posted in: SS Women's Racing
By Shane Stokes
Jun 29, 2010 - 3:20:00 PM

Olivia Dillion, flanked by bronze medallist Fiona Meade (l) and runner-up Siobhan Horgan (r)

While some audio interviews are available to listen to [see link elsewhere on this site], heavy background noise means that we will instead provide a transcript of the post-race chats from Saturday�s women�s event. Irishcycling.com spoke to Olivia Dillon and Siobhan Horgan after the race, talking about how things played out and also their plans for the remainder of the season.


Olivia Dillion, winner of women�s road race:

I was going for both, so was very excited to come out with this after winning the time trial. There was a good race in the time trial, it was pretty close, good to see a lot of people coming up and some strong competition. I didn�t know how it would go today, I definitely wanted to get away.

There was good racing out there, a lot of people were going for it.

Irishcycling: Louise Moriarty was away for a long time�

OD: Yes, Louise has been around, she is strong. But then we started to control it and a lot of people were helping in the chase. Once she came back a few moves went; I went off one of them and got away, then Siobhan bridged up to me a few miles from the finish. We worked together until the end as the bunch was pretty close by. I went for it after the hill, and just went all out.

IC: Were you confident in the sprint?

OD: Yes, but you never know what can happen. Siobhan is a great rider, she has a lot of experience and I just put my head down and went as hard as I could.

IC: Were you tired in the race? The time trial was on Thursday and so you don�t have much recovery�

OD: Yes, but I have been racing stage races thirty years, so there was no problem. It was a relatively short race, so I wasn�t too concerned about that. It was nice to have the day inbetween, though � that�s for sure.

IC: You are part of the Peanut Butter & Co team this year. Is it correct that it is trying to build up the US riders for the next Olympics?

OD: Yes, I am the only Irish on it. Kristin Armstrong is directing it. It has been a phenomenal experience. I got to Boston to race in Fitchburg (the Fitchburg Longsjo Classic) next week and then the Cascade Cycling Classic. Then I hope to race with the national team in Europe during the year. They just went to Holland and there is a few other races named, so we are going to go through the schedule and see what might work for me.

IC: What about the worlds � is that possible?

OD: I don�t know yet what is happening. We have got the whole criteria to go through, so we will see. I am having a good year so far. My team has been winning a lot in the states, so it has been a great experience.

IC: You�ve ridden the race today with your fingers bandaged together � I understand that you fractured a bone in your hand?

OD: Yes, I fractured the fourth metacarpal in my hand last Sunday. I�d like to say it was a crash, but I was playing with some kids and I slipped on wet grass and landed badly! It was pretty bad timing. But it showed up in a way that I was able to ride fine, the adrenaline usually kicks in and you don�t feel pain.

It wasn�t an issue getting out of the saddle..things were fine, it worked out.

IC: You have been based in the US for several years. When do you go back?

OD: Wednesday. My family just live 40 minutes from me, in Kiltimagh in Co. Mayo. That is where I grew up and my parents are there. It is nice to have this race locally.

Siobhan Horgan (second, former race winner):

Irishcycling: Have you been racing much?

Siobhan Horgan: I was doing a lot of racing in the early season. I got an infection in my arm, and then I was anaemic. So I took a break from racing for the past four weeks, and then I started back racing in a French Cup race. Then I did a race with the Irish team last week in Holland.

That went well, it was a good experience for the girls. I was going okay, but I was just unlucky with a mechanical problem. Having said that it, was a good opportunity to get a bit of speed into the legs.

IC: Were you worried when Louise Moriarty was away and got quite a big gap?

SH: I was, because nobody seemed to be chasing her. We had to try to organise a chase. Maybe about 8 girls started riding through then; I knew that we would probably get her back, as it was one versus eight. We were able to get her back.

After that, I saw Olivia go and she had a gap of maybe 20 metres. Nobody seemed to be chasing her, so I knew that everyone else must be suffering. I said this is the time to go, and I jumped across to her then.

We worked very well together and to be honest I am happy it was me or who her won it, because I felt that we were probably the strongest in the race.

There was a lot of marking early on, but that is to be expected in a national championships. I am used to that at this stage. I am just happy that we managed to get away with three or four kilometres to go, whatever way it was.

IC: Looking back at the finish, would you have timed the finish any differently?

SH: I would want to get a good jump on her to try to beat her in a gallop. She is used to racing in the States where there is a lot of crit races, so she would be used to sprints. I wouldn�t call that one of my stronger points. I was hoping maybe that I might get the jump on her, but she beat me well in the end.

IC: What is your plan now?

SH: I am staying around for the next week, then I am going back to France. I am still building up my form. My first race is on the 22nd of July, the Tour du Limousin. After that, I have a big racing period up until the end of August, so I would hope to do well in that period.

I will be doing 2.1, 2.2 races and the World Cup in Plouay. I enjoy that race very year. There is an opportunity to go to the World Cup in Sweden as well with my team, but I don�t think I will�I think I will be sensible this year.

I hope the world championships is possible. I hope I can have good form for then and I think I can have good form for the worlds.