Cycling Ireland welcome the announcement of a further €290 million investment in Active Travel Projects in 2024.
Minister for Transport Eamon Ryan TD and Minister of State Jack Chambers TD joined National Transport Authority (NTA) Deputy CEO Hugh Creegan on Wednesday, February 7th, to announce €290m in funding to local authorities across Ireland to support the rollout of walking and cycling infrastructure in 2024.
This latest allocation means that the Government's total investment for active travel infrastructure since 2020 will surpass the €1 billion mark. This investment has seen more than 600km of cycling, walking and wheeling infrastructure delivered since 2020 under the NTA Active Travel Programme.
Cycling Ireland welcome the investment, which will fund over 800 current or future projects, and help deliver safe and accessible infrastructure for cycling and walking throughout the Republic of Ireland.
Cycling Ireland Interim Participation Manager, Paul Norton, said:
Cycling Ireland welcome the government's commitment to investing a further €290 million into walking and cycling infrastructure for 2024. Since 2020 the funding provided has helped to deliver over 600km of new infrastructure and fifty Safe Routes to School projects delivered, with a further 800 projects in the pipeline. The government and the NTA's commitment to delivering quality infrastructure, that is both safe and connected, is key to encouraging more people to choose to cycle or walk, regardless of age or ability. Cycling Ireland welcome any and all initiatives that encourage more people to cycle for their health, to socialise with friends, to cycle as a family, to commute to work or cycle to school.
Cycling Ireland Advocacy Working Group Chairperson, Anluan Dunne, said:
The announcement of additional funding for walking and cycling infrastructure is warmly welcomed by Cycling Ireland. The 2024 allocation sees a further €290m for projects that will connect communities, make cycling and walking safer and more attractive, and provide a real alternative transport option to everyone. With many ambitious projects delivered and hundreds more in the pipeline, we must see far greater urgency from every local authority. We need ambitious projects which prioritise people walking and cycling to enable healthier lifestyles while also reducing transport emissions."
More information on the government's Active Travel Projects and Investment can be found click here