1990 Junior Tour of Ireland Video - 'Highs & Lows'

Posted in: Road Videos, Junior Tour
By Peter Purfield
Jul 1, 2024 - 3:58:41 PM

Here is a video of the Larch Hill team who took part in the 1990 Junior Tour of Ireland. The video is a collection of clips from inside the team, at race starts and finishes. It gives an insight to what it's like in a stage race and shows the high points as well as low points.

This race was over 30 years ago now and it took part in a time when cycling sport in Ireland was at a high point with Sean Kelly and Stephen Roche doing extremely well at world level. Back then, the Junior Tour race had in excess of 200 entries.

Another reason for posting this is, there are a lot of people in this video, who are no longer with us, many of whom were great workers for the sport of cycling. To their family and friends, we remember them and say thanks.

Larch hill Team's participation in the

1990 Junior Tour of Ireland - 8 Days / 9 Stages Cycle Race for under 18's

Emmet O'Callaghan, Darren Condron and Gabriel Coll

Peter Purfield (Manager), Declan Byrne (Soigneur) and John Kelly (Mechanic)

The video has been gathering dust, and I'm sure some people might like to see it... be it all these years later...

1990 Junior Tour of Ireland

Final Result

Race Winner: Peter Daly - Ireland Team

Team winners: Mid-East Region: Mel Sutcliffe, Alan Clarke, Eamon Byrne, Jason Meredith

Thanks to: Members of the Larch Hill Team and Seamus & Mark Kiely

In memory of the Junior Tour creator Joe (JJ) McCormack - R.I.P.

Video / Editing by Peter Purfield