More Pictures from the Past (1970's / 1980's) some Posted now

Posted in: Picture Archive
The Tour de France 1983

I found a lot of old slides in the attic, they needed sorting and organising before I posted them, I have managed to get most of pictures uploaded now, sorry about the quality but the fact that it was over 40 years ago, the quality was hit and miss...

1983 Irish Cycling Picture Archives No 13

Posted in: Picture Archive

Here are some pictures I took in December 1983 of an Eagle CRC Cyclo Cross in the Phoenix Park, Dublin. The race was an annual event organised by Joe (JJ) McCormack and Paddy Sullivan...

1983 Tour de France - Spectator Pictures

Posted in: Picture Archive, Other Stage Events

I did get the chance to take a trip on my motorbike to see the Tour in France in 1983, a new force in sprinting was emerging with Sean Kelly and Stephen Roche was also making waves...

1983 Irish Team in Tour de l'Avenir

Posted in: Picture Archive, Other Stage Events
The team was (L-R) David Gardener, Paul Kimmage, Philip Cassidy, Alan McCormack (Riding on American team), John McQuaid, Gary Thompson and Raphael Kimmage.

In 1983 I was mechanic for the Irish Team in the Tour de l'Avenir along with John McCarthy (Manager) and Paddy Doran (Masseur) we were the support staff for the two week long stage race across France...

1975/1983 Irish Cycling Racing - Archive No.9

Posted in: Picture Archive

Here are a few pictures from a Sealink International race in Britain...

1975/1983 Irish Cycling Racing - Archive No.8

Posted in: Picture Archive

Continuing with Cycling Racing pictures I found from over 40 years ago, again quality is not great, but I'm sure many people will be glad to see them all the same - these pictures are from my days in Les Jeunes CC...

1975/1983 Irish Cycling Racing - Archive No.7

Posted in: Picture Archive

Continuing with Cycling Racing pictures I found from over 40 years ago, again quality is not great, but I'm sure many people will be glad to see them all the same - these are some youth race pictures...

1975/1983 Irish Cycling Racing - Archive No.6

Posted in: Picture Archive

Continuing with Cycling Racing pictures I found from over 40 years ago, again quality is not great, but I'm sure many people will be glad to see them all the same - It was impossible to sort the pictures, so I've divided it into nine pages...

1975/1983 Irish Cycling Racing - Archive No.5

Posted in: Picture Archive

Continuing with Cycling Racing pictures I found from over 40 years ago, again quality is not great, but I'm sure many people will be glad to see them all the same - It was impossible to sort the pictures, so I've divided it into nine pages...

1975/1983 Irish Cycling Racing - Archive No.4

Posted in: Picture Archive

Continuing with Cycling Racing pictures I found from over 40 years ago, again quality is not great, but I'm sure many people will be glad to see them all the same - It was impossible to sort the pictures, so I've divided it into nine pages...