2024 Ras Tailteann - Stage 1 Start in Tullamore

Posted in: Rás Tailteann , Road Videos
By Peter Purfield
May 22, 2024 - 6:28:48 PM

The 2024 edition of the race started from Tullamore in the heart of the Irish Midlands today Wednesday, 22nd May 2024.
Tullamore turned out in force to give the 2024 Ras Tailteann a great send off

Gearóid Campbell holds the Starters flag as the Ras heads out of Tullamore on the first stage to Kanturk.

Veteran Ras rider Eddie Scully a local Tullamore man had the honours to drop the start flag in the town square


Video of Stage Start in Tullamore

Download the full rider start list here ;-