Cycling Reports


Some members of the Team Ireland who left for France this week

(Feb  14) Five of Ireland's top amateur cyclists left Dublin Airport today for their new base in France. Under the new Irish Cycling Federation 'Team Ireland' initiative the quintet will spend the rest of the season living and racing in France under the guidance of a top French cycling coach and the physiological supervision of the ICF and the National Coaching and Training Centre in Limerick. 

The initiative received a substantial £20,250 grant from the Irish Sports Council, allowing the riders to race and train full time and thus gain the maximum benefit. Brian Kenneally (Carrick Cidona), Mike McNena (Thermo King), Tommy Evans and Stephen O'Sullivan (both Clarkes Nissan) andex-professional Morgan Fox from Athlone posed for pictures and were in upbeat mood about the new venture, which will hopefully see some of them gain a professional contract for next season.

"It will be great this year with the Irish team" said Michael McNena who has been based abroad for the past four years, most recently with the crack Italian Sintofarm squad. "Last year the Sintofarm team was very tough. The training regime was a bit too much. We were out every day for four or five hours behind cars. Even if you did a nine day stage race, the next day you would be out behind the car again for four hours. The food was rationed, they didn't let you eat in between meals at all. The best meal of the day was breakfast. The team was one of the best in Italy to be in, but by the end of the year they had burned out a lot of guys and eventually went bust. They started with 26 riders and ended up with five or six!" This year will be good experience to get over to France and race with this new program, especially with other Irish guys around you. Everybody has their ups and downs during the season, so if you're down the other guys will be able to bring you back up again."

According to Fox who went on an earlier scouting mission with former national champion and FBD Milk Ras winner Tommy Evans the facilities are excellent. "They've got a hell of a lot more than we ever had here. They have everything set up with local medical centres for physiology testing and it's a very professional set-up. We will race for three different clubs in France and then will ride as an Irish team in the International races and hopefully we can score some UCI points and get Ireland up the world rankings." 

Mayo rider Dave O'Loughlin is the only doubt of the squad. O'Loughlin who finished tenth in the Under 23 World Time Trial Championships last year, has had an offer from a top French club as well as Team Ireland and is stillmulling over his decision. This could leave the door open for another rider, possibly former World Junior Champion Mark Scanlon, if a professional contract doesn't materialise within the next couple of weeks.

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