Gerard asks 20 questions


Philip Cassidy


1. Age:   39 and a bit


3. GC: How did you get started in cycling?

    PC:  Brian Connaughton started me in 1976.

4. GC:  What was your first win?

    PC:  My first race

5. GC: How often do you train?

    PC:  I go out on the bike most days but I train about 3 days a week.

6. GC: Favourite training spin?

    PC:  Prosperous, Newbridge, BallymoreEustace, round the lakes , Naas, home..

7.GC: Best result / performance to date?

    PC: I suppose winning the Ras or national championship

 8. GC: Ambition in cycling?

    PC:  To win as many races as possible with the little bit of training I am doing

9. GC: Favourite professional cyclist?

    PC:  Sean Kelly

10. GC: Pet hates?

      PC:  The sun and heat while racing

11. GC: How do you relax?

      PC:  Watching t.v with the family.

12. GC: Do you think 3rd Cats should be re-introduced?

      PC: I think some form of introductory category should be introduced yes.

13. GC: Apart from Ireland, where have you raced?

      PC: Seoul, Canada, America, Italy, Germany, England, Holland , Luxembourg, Belgium, France, Spain ,all over Europe

14. GC: Who will be the next Irish rider to win a Tour De France stage?

      PC: Ehm, I would see the obvious one, Ciaran Power, if it’s possible for him to move forward with the team or Mark Scanlon who has massive potential. I’d say it would come from there or maybe a couple of people behind them.

15. GC: Favourite race?

      PC: The Ras

16. GC: Best rider you have raced against?

      PC: Kelly and Roche in the Nissan Classic

17. GC. Have you tried mountainbiking?

      PC; Yeah, very casually.

18. GC: What makes you a good cyclist?

      PC: Dedication to training, discipline and diet.

19. GC: Would you let your kids take up the sport?

      PC;  Yes. I’m actively encouraging them at the moment.

20. GC: Describe yourself in one sentence?

      PC:  Fat and getting skinnier probably.

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