Gerard asks 20 questions




1. Age:   27  

2. Club: Lombardi Sports/

3. GC: How did you get started in cycling?

    JH; Went to school in Blarney in the mid 80's,it was the thing to do.

4. GC:  What was your first win?

    JH; A road race in Whitechurch ,Co Cork when I was 14!

5. GC: How often do you train?

    JH; Every day.

6. GC: Favourite training spin?

    JH; They are some great rides outside San Francisco, my favorite of these is the climb of Mt Tamilpias.

7.GC: Best result / performance to date?

    JH;  Last year I was on my way to a 4th place overall in the the Solano Bicycle Classic,a national calander event when I fell and broke my wrist on the last stage.That was my best ride in a long while.

8. GC: Ambition in cycling?

    JH; You guessed it, do the Pro gig!

 9. GC: Favourite professional cyclist?

     JH; Has to be Jan Ullrich.

10. GC: Pet hates?

      JH; Can't think of any right now.

11. GC: How do you relax?

      JH; I like to spend time with my wife Amanda, play with our dog, read, PLAYSTATION! and getting on the web to see what's happening in cycling (Irish cycling!).

12. GC: Do you think 3rd Cats should be re-introduced?

      JH; Oh yes, that's where you learn the ropes, also I believe more experienced riders should not have to pay the penalty (crash, chase back on etc) because a new person in the sport hasn't had the chance to learn at their own  pace. Here in America there are Cat 5's!,putting them in a Pro-1 race would be carnage for them and us,the disparity is too great, so it's works out for everyone if the learning curve is not so steep.

13. GC: Apart from Ireland, where have you raced?

      JH; Some in Britain, a lot in the States.

14. GC: Who will be the next Irish rider to win a Tour De France stage?

      JH; Power or McCann?

15. GC: Favourite race?

      JH; Easy one, the RAS.

 16. GC: Best rider you have raced against?

      JH; I have to say Julian Winn's ride in last years Ras was fantastic considering he won it almost single handed.

17. GC. Have you tried mountainbiking?

      JH; Oh yes I have!

18. GC: What makes you a good cyclist ?

     JH; I'm scrappy, I don't get intimidated by anyone ie. professional riders and teams with big names, I'll always have a go and I  have no problem giving it up for a team mate.

19. GC: Would you let your kids take up the sport?

     JH; Yes.

20. GC: Describe yourself in one sentence?

      JH; Easy going, except when I race!

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