Gerard asks 20 questions


Tosh Lavery


1. Age: 47

2. Club: Garda Motorway

3. GC: How did you get started in cycling?

    TL: I gave up drink twelve years ago, copped myself on and decided to put my energy into something else.

4. GC:  What Was your first win?

    TL: The Veterans Championships 1993.

5. GC: How often do you train?

    TL: We’re Vets, we don’t need to train! Four or five times a week if I can.

6. GC: Favourite training spin?

    TL: With Cass and Kenno Around the lakes in the winter.

7. GC: Best result / performance to date?

    TL: I’d say my best result was winning the Kevin McInerny race in Dunlavin the year before last.

8. GC: Ambition in cycling?

    TL: Try and stay alive. (Laughs) I seen Kenno falling today, try and stay up.

9. GC: Favourite professional cyclist?

    TL: I always liked Kelly ‘cos he’s from the oul’ Waterford county . I know him well and get on well with him. I suppose he has the same oul’ mentality as I have myself! .

10. GC: Pet hates?

      TL: Ahh, I don’t think I have any.

11. GC: How do you relax?

      TL: I don’t know how to!

12. GC: Do you think 3rd Cats should be re-introduced?

      TL: I think so, and the most you should be able to stay there for is 2 years. It’s a good oul class, I started there myself and it brought me on. I have a thing to say about women too. There’s women there too and they don’t get a chance. They should be let ride with the vets federation or the ‘C’s. We won’t bring them on at all in this country because they’re starting of with ‘B’s and juniors and they’re gone after 2 or 3 miles and we’re going to lose them if we don’t do something.

13. GC: Apart from Ireland, where have you raced?

      TL: I raced in England and I raced in the European Police championships. I got 3 golds and a silver in the World Police and Fire Games in Sweden last year in the over 45’s.

14. GC: Who will be the next Irish rider to win a Tour De France stage?

      TL: Mark Scanlon

15. GC: Favourite race?

      TL: The Beechmount. If you’re a rider, you’re always looking forward to the first race of the season.

16. GC: Best rider you have raced against?

      TL: I suppose Cass always gives it 100 percent when he’s either training or racing. I always kinda admired him in fairness. He’s dedicated even with work and home, he knows how to train too.

17. GC. Have you tried mountainbiking?

      TL; No. I’d love to try it . Ahh, maybe in the next life.

18. GC:What makes you a good cyclist?

      TL: All the suffering before I started (laughs) I learned how to suffer before I went near a bike. I learned a lot from Seamus Kennedy and Sean Lally too.

19. GC: Would you let your kids take up the sport?

      TL: Yeah. I’d like to see my fellah doing well. He’s in college this year so he’s not training as much as others maybe, but I think he has a bit of class in there and hopefully it’ll come out eventually.

20. GC: Describe yourself in one sentence?

      TL: A fellah who needs to cop himself on a bit!

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