The Tour of Ulster 2002
Stage 2 Results  Lisburn - Downpatrick, 05/May/2002
Stage Result Issued By Seamus Shortall: 05 May 2002, 16:17
Organisation: UCPC                     Country: IRL                           
Class: NA
Winner's Time: 2h48'08"                Deadline: 3h21'45"  (20%)              
Race Dist: 113.53 kms / 70.60 Miles    Total Dist: 237.19 kms / 147.50 miles  
Speed: 40.51 kph / 25.19 mph           Average: 40.62 kph / 25.26 mph         
Number of Starters: 101                Number of Finishers:  95               
Did Not Start:  4                      Did Not Finish:  6                     
 PL No. UCI Code    Name                 TM  Team                       Time   Deficit 
  1  11             Bracken,Colum            Irish Road Club        2h48'08"           
  2  72             Gleeson,Vincent          West Clare CC          2h48'10" @     02" 
  3  55             Easton,Denis             Total Cycling          2h48'13" @     05" 
  4  82             Holden,Rob               Isle Of Man                same           
  5  32             Moriarty,Patrick         Les Jeunes CC              same           
  6  34             Lacey,Sean               Earl Of Desmond            same           
  7  35             Hogan,Thomas             Earl Of Desmond            same           
--- 121             Moore,Robert             M.Donnelly Stamullen       same           
  9  12             Swinard,Greg             Irish Road Club        2h48'20" @     12" 
---  58             Donellon,Andrew          Dublin Whls                same           
---  85             O'Leary,Frank            Irish Road Club  B         same           
---  94             Hedderman,Adrian         Cycleways                  same           
 13  20             Kane,Paul                Dave Kane N C C        2h48'24" @     16" 
--- 112             Martin,Alastair          Ards C C                   same           
 15  70             Clark,Chris              Wil-Lec Panoramic      2h48'30" @     22" 
 16   1             Barry,Timmy              Cidona Carrick Whls.   2h49'06" @     58" 
---   5             Power,Mark               Cidona Carrick Whls.       same           
---   6             Lane,David               U C D                      same           
---   8             Healion,Paul             Irish Road Club            same           
---  10             Peelo,David              Irish Road Club            same           
---  17             Dempsey,Jonathan         Classic Walls              same           
---  18             Currie,Geoff             Classic Walls              same           
---  22             Cranston,Gary            Dave Kane N C C            same           
---  24             Stewart,Brian            Dave Kane N C C            same           
---  25             Gardiner,David           Apollo C C                 same           
---  29             McCaughley,Daire         Apollo C C                 same           
---  30             Hilliard,John Paul       Les Jeunes CC              same           
---  31             Mc.Leavey,Mark           Les Jeunes CC              same           
---  33             Healy,Dermot             Les Jeunes CC              same           
---  36             Dempsey,John             Earl Of Desmond            same           
---  37             McMahon,Kieran           Earl Of Desmond            same           
---  40             Dumaolin,Laurent         Cork                       same           
---  41             Lynch,Brian              Cork                       same           
---  42             O'Connor,Keelon          Cork                       same           
---  43             Jeffries,Owen            U C F  U23                 same           
---  44             Hanna,Stephen            U C F  U23                 same           
---  45             Aiken,Rodger             U C F  U23                 same           
---  47             Ennis,Francis            Staggs Lucan               same           
---  49             Bracken,Sean             Irish Road Club  B         same           
---  51             Storen,Michael           Limerick C C               same           
---  52             Sheehan,Gary             Limerick C C               same           
---  53             Graham,Brendan           Total Cycling              same           
---  54             Doherty,Brendan          Total Cycling              same           
---  59             Norgrove,Ken             Dublin Whls                same           
---  60             Kelly,Ciaran             Dublin Whls                same           
---  61             Taaffe,Brian             Dublin Whls                same           
---  62             Byrne,Donal              Dublin Whls                same           
---  64             Armstrong,Colin          Orchard Whls               same           
---  71             Ferguson,Paul            Toyota N.D.                same           
---  73             Mc.Connell,James         King Moss CC               same           
---  74             Byrne,Willie             Hillcrest Hire             same           
---  75             Farrell,Sean             Hillcrest Hire             same           
---  78             Sweeney,Paddy            Navan Avonmore             same           
---  79             Roche,Emmet              Navan Avonmore             same           
---  81             Roche,Andrew             Isle Of Man                same           
---  83             Cook,Andrew              Isle Of Man                same           
---  84             Hatcher,Graeme           Isle Of Man                same           
---  87             Byrne,David              Irish Road Club  B         same           
---  88             Kelly,Cearon             Irish Road Club  B         same           
---  89             Yates,Aiden              Irish Road Club  B         same           
---  90             Peppard,John             Mc.Nally Swords            same           
---  96             Connaughton,Shane        Cycleways                  same           
---  97             Clarke,Raymond           Cycleways                  same           
---  99             Quinlan,Niall            Cycleways 'B'              same           
--- 100             Crowley,Aidan            Cycleways 'B'              same           
--- 101             Fenlon,Joe               Dan Morrissey              same           
--- 102             Mulcahy,Michael          Dan Morrissey              same           
--- 103             O'Donaghue,Eddie         Dan Morrissey              same           
--- 104             Prendergast,Shane        Naas Fig Roll              same           
--- 105             O'Sullivan,Stephen       Naas Fig Roll              same           
--- 106             Smyth,Dave               Naas Fig Roll              same           
--- 107             Morrow,Wayne             N.I.C.F.                   same           
--- 109             Connor,Ryan              N.I.C.F.                   same           
--- 110             Morrow,Ben               N.I.C.F.                   same           
--- 111             Blayney,Ross             N.I.C.F.                   same           
--- 114             Sloan,Kirk               Ards C C                   same           
--- 118             Sharkey,Pete             M.Donnelly Stamullen       same           
--- 122             Sweetman,Craig           M.Donnelly Stamullen       same           
--- 124             Hughes,Tom               M.Donnelly Stamullen       same           
--- 125             Bloomer,Paul             Harps CC Cookstown         same           
--- 126             Maguire,Martin           BH Raleigh                 same           
--- 128             Roche,Laurence           BH Raleigh                 same           
--- 131             McCormack,Finton         Newbridge CC               same           
--- 137             Tierney,Chris            Ballymena Scott RC         same           
--- 139             Hamilton,Ryan            Maryland Whls              same           
 86  57             Duignan,Paul             Total Cycling          2h52'20" @  04'12" 
---  63             Brown,Christopher        Orchard Whls               same           
 88  14             Wright,Sean              East Antrim C C        2h57'05" @  08'57" 
--- 132             Malone,Jonathan          Newbridge CC               same           
 90  80             Brabazon,Tony            Sorrento CC            3h15'42" @  27'34" 
 91   7             Lane,Alan                U C D                  3h23'50" @  35'42" 
---  26             Mc.Conville,Tony         Apollo C C                 same           
---  48             Maguire,Jim              Staggs Lucan               same           
---  67             Mitchell,Adam            Wil-Lec Panoramic          same           
---  69             Ward,Jamie               Wil-Lec Panoramic          same           
Non starters/finishers/eliminated Riders
Did Not Finish: 27-Hare.T,68-Portess.A,116-Kirk.L,127-Elson.D,130-McGee.J,136-Jackson.S
Did Not Start: 19-Nugent.B,  77-Farrell.C,  108-Walsh.T,  138-Devlin.S
General Classification
 PL No. STG Time    Name                 TM  Team                GC Time      Deficit 
  1  55 2h48'13"    Easton,Denis             Total Cycling      5h50'28" @           
  2  82 2h48'13"    Holden,Rob               Isle Of Man        5h50'28"              
  3  35 2h48'13"    Hogan,Thomas             Earl Of Desmond    5h50'30" @        02" 
  4  54 2h49'06"    Doherty,Brendan          Total Cycling      5h51'20" @        52" 
  5  25 2h49'06"    Gardiner,David           Apollo C C         5h51'23" @        55" 
  6  81 2h49'06"    Roche,Andrew             Isle Of Man        5h51'23" @        55" 
  7  11 2h48'08"    Bracken,Colum            Irish Road Club    5h51'27" @        59" 
  8  72 2h48'10"    Gleeson,Vincent          West Clare CC      5h51'29" @     01'01" 
  9  32 2h48'13"    Moriarty,Patrick         Les Jeunes CC      5h51'32" @     01'04" 
 10  34 2h48'13"    Lacey,Sean               Earl Of Desmond    5h51'32" @     01'04" 
 11 121 2h48'13"    Moore,Robert             M.Donnelly Stamu   5h51'32" @     01'04" 
 12  58 2h48'20"    Donellon,Andrew          Dublin Whls        5h51'39" @     01'11" 
 12  85 2h48'20"    O'Leary,Frank            Irish Road Club    5h51'39" @     01'11" 
 12  94 2h48'20"    Hedderman,Adrian         Cycleways          5h51'39" @     01'11" 
 15  20 2h48'24"    Kane,Paul                Dave Kane N C C    5h51'40" @     01'12" 
 16 112 2h48'24"    Martin,Alastair          Ards C C           5h51'43" @     01'15" 
 17  70 2h48'30"    Clark,Chris              Wil-Lec Panorami   5h51'49" @     01'21" 
 18 103 2h49'06"    O'Donaghue,Eddie         Dan Morrissey      5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 19 111 2h49'06"    Blayney,Ross             N.I.C.F.           5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20   1 2h49'06"    Barry,Timmy              Cidona Carrick W   5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20   8 2h49'06"    Healion,Paul             Irish Road Club    5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20  10 2h49'06"    Peelo,David              Irish Road Club    5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20  17 2h49'06"    Dempsey,Jonathan         Classic Walls      5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20  18 2h49'06"    Currie,Geoff             Classic Walls      5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20  29 2h49'06"    McCaughley,Daire         Apollo C C         5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20  31 2h49'06"    Mc.Leavey,Mark           Les Jeunes CC      5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20  33 2h49'06"    Healy,Dermot             Les Jeunes CC      5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20  36 2h49'06"    Dempsey,John             Earl Of Desmond    5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20  37 2h49'06"    McMahon,Kieran           Earl Of Desmond    5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20  40 2h49'06"    Dumaolin,Laurent         Cork               5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20  41 2h49'06"    Lynch,Brian              Cork               5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20  42 2h49'06"    O'Connor,Keelon          Cork               5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20  43 2h49'06"    Jeffries,Owen            U C F  U23         5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20  44 2h49'06"    Hanna,Stephen            U C F  U23         5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20  45 2h49'06"    Aiken,Rodger             U C F  U23         5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20  49 2h49'06"    Bracken,Sean             Irish Road Club    5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20  51 2h49'06"    Storen,Michael           Limerick C C       5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20  53 2h49'06"    Graham,Brendan           Total Cycling      5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20  59 2h49'06"    Norgrove,Ken             Dublin Whls        5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20  60 2h49'06"    Kelly,Ciaran             Dublin Whls        5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20  61 2h49'06"    Taaffe,Brian             Dublin Whls        5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20  62 2h49'06"    Byrne,Donal              Dublin Whls        5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20  74 2h49'06"    Byrne,Willie             Hillcrest Hire     5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20  75 2h49'06"    Farrell,Sean             Hillcrest Hire     5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20  84 2h49'06"    Hatcher,Graeme           Isle Of Man        5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20  90 2h49'06"    Peppard,John             Mc.Nally Swords    5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20  97 2h49'06"    Clarke,Raymond           Cycleways          5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20 101 2h49'06"    Fenlon,Joe               Dan Morrissey      5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20 102 2h49'06"    Mulcahy,Michael          Dan Morrissey      5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20 104 2h49'06"    Prendergast,Shane        Naas Fig Roll      5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20 105 2h49'06"    O'Sullivan,Stephen       Naas Fig Roll      5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20 107 2h49'06"    Morrow,Wayne             N.I.C.F.           5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20 109 2h49'06"    Connor,Ryan              N.I.C.F.           5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20 110 2h49'06"    Morrow,Ben               N.I.C.F.           5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20 114 2h49'06"    Sloan,Kirk               Ards C C           5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20 124 2h49'06"    Hughes,Tom               M.Donnelly Stamu   5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20 125 2h49'06"    Bloomer,Paul             Harps CC Cooksto   5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 20 126 2h49'06"    Maguire,Martin           BH Raleigh         5h52'25" @     01'57" 
 59  12 2h48'20"    Swinard,Greg             Irish Road Club    5h55'15" @     04'47" 
 60   5 2h49'06"    Power,Mark               Cidona Carrick W   5h56'01" @     05'33" 
 60   6 2h49'06"    Lane,David               U C D              5h56'01" @     05'33" 
 60  22 2h49'06"    Cranston,Gary            Dave Kane N C C    5h56'01" @     05'33" 
 60  24 2h49'06"    Stewart,Brian            Dave Kane N C C    5h56'01" @     05'33" 
 60  30 2h49'06"    Hilliard,John Paul       Les Jeunes CC      5h56'01" @     05'33" 
 60  73 2h49'06"    Mc.Connell,James         King Moss CC       5h56'01" @     05'33" 
 60  79 2h49'06"    Roche,Emmet              Navan Avonmore     5h56'01" @     05'33" 
 60  87 2h49'06"    Byrne,David              Irish Road Club    5h56'01" @     05'33" 
 60  89 2h49'06"    Yates,Aiden              Irish Road Club    5h56'01" @     05'33" 
 60 100 2h49'06"    Crowley,Aidan            Cycleways 'B'      5h56'01" @     05'33" 
 60 118 2h49'06"    Sharkey,Pete             M.Donnelly Stamu   5h56'01" @     05'33" 
 60 122 2h49'06"    Sweetman,Craig           M.Donnelly Stamu   5h56'01" @     05'33" 
 60 128 2h49'06"    Roche,Laurence           BH Raleigh         5h56'01" @     05'33" 
 60 137 2h49'06"    Tierney,Chris            Ballymena Scott    5h56'01" @     05'33" 
 74 139 2h49'06"    Hamilton,Ryan            Maryland Whls      5h59'06" @     08'38" 
 75  57 2h52'20"    Duignan,Paul             Total Cycling      5h59'15" @     08'47" 
 76  52 2h49'06"    Sheehan,Gary             Limerick C C       6h01'06" @     10'38" 
 76  78 2h49'06"    Sweeney,Paddy            Navan Avonmore     6h01'06" @     10'38" 
 78  63 2h52'20"    Brown,Christopher        Orchard Whls       6h04'20" @     13'52" 
 79  88 2h49'06"    Kelly,Cearon             Irish Road Club    6h05'56" @     15'28" 
 80  83 2h49'06"    Cook,Andrew              Isle Of Man        6h17'16" @     26'48" 
 80  99 2h49'06"    Quinlan,Niall            Cycleways 'B'      6h17'16" @     26'48" 
 82  71 2h49'06"    Ferguson,Paul            Toyota N.D.        6h19'39" @     29'11" 
 83  96 2h49'06"    Connaughton,Shane        Cycleways          6h22'45" @     32'17" 
 84  14 2h57'05"    Wright,Sean              East Antrim C C    6h27'38" @     37'10" 
 85  80 3h15'42"    Brabazon,Tony            Sorrento CC        6h32'32" @     42'04" 
 86  47 2h49'06"    Ennis,Francis            Staggs Lucan       6h37'29" @     47'01" 
 86  64 2h49'06"    Armstrong,Colin          Orchard Whls       6h37'29" @     47'01" 
 86 106 2h49'06"    Smyth,Dave               Naas Fig Roll      6h37'29" @     47'01" 
 86 131 2h49'06"    McCormack,Finton         Newbridge CC       6h37'29" @     47'01" 
 90 132 2h57'05"    Malone,Jonathan          Newbridge CC       6h45'28" @     55'00" 
 91  26 3h23'50"    Mc.Conville,Tony         Apollo C C         6h52'00" @   1h01'32" 
 92   7 3h23'50"    Lane,Alan                U C D              6h57'29" @   1h07'01" 
 92  48 3h23'50"    Maguire,Jim              Staggs Lucan       6h57'29" @   1h07'01" 
 92  69 3h23'50"    Ward,Jamie               Wil-Lec Panorami   6h57'29" @   1h07'01" 
 95  67 3h23'50"    Mitchell,Adam            Wil-Lec Panorami   7h18'50" @   1h28'22" 
Senior 2 Overall
 PL No. Name                 TM       Deficit 
  1  85 O'Leary,F                =   5h51'39" 
  1  94 Hedderman,A              =   5h51'39" 
  3  70 Clark,C                  @        10" 
  4  18 Currie,G                 @        46" 
  4  29 McCaughley,D             @        46" 
  4  41 Lynch,B                  @        46" 
  4  43 Jeffries,O               @        46" 
  4  49 Bracken,S                @        46" 
  4  53 Graham,B                 @        46" 
  4  61 Taaffe,B                 @        46" 
  4 114 Sloan,K                  @        46" 
 12   5 Power,M                  @     04'22" 
 12  73 Mc.Connell,J             @     04'22" 
 12  79 Roche,E                  @     04'22" 
 12  87 Byrne,D                  @     04'22" 
 12  89 Yates,A                  @     04'22" 
 12 118 Sharkey,P                @     04'22" 
 12 128 Roche,L                  @     04'22" 
 19  57 Duignan,P                @     07'36" 
 20  52 Sheehan,G                @     09'27" 
 21  88 Kelly,C                  @     14'17" 
 22  71 Ferguson,P               @     28'00" 
 23  80 Brabazon,T               @     40'53" 
 24  47 Ennis,F                  @     45'50" 
 24  64 Armstrong,C              @     45'50" 
 26   7 Lane,A                   @   1h05'50" 
 26  48 Maguire,J                @   1h05'50" 
Club Team Stage
PL Name                       Time      Members 
 1 Earl Of Desmond        8h25'32"  34, 35, 36, 
 2 Irish Road Club        8h25'34"  11, 12,  8, 
 3 Total Cycling          8h26'25"  55, 53, 54, 
 4 Les Jeunes CC          8h26'25"  32, 30, 31, 
 5 M.Donnelly Stamullen   8h26'25" 121,122,124, 
 6 Cycleways              8h26'32"  94, 96, 97, 
 6 Dublin Whls            8h26'32"  58, 59, 60, 
 6 Irish Road Club  B     8h26'32"  85, 49, 87, 
 9 Dave Kane N C C        8h26'36"  20, 22, 24, 
10 Dan Morrissey          8h27'18" 101,102,103, 
10 Naas Fig Roll          8h27'18" 104,105,106, 
12 Wil-Lec Panoramic      9h36'10"  70, 67, 69, 
Club Team Overall
PL Name                       Time   Deficit 
 1 Total Cycling         17h34'13"           
 2 Earl Of Desmond       17h34'27"       14" 
 3 Irish Road Club       17h35'31"    01'18" 
 4 Les Jeunes CC         17h36'22"    02'09" 
 5 Dublin Whls           17h36'29"    02'16" 
 6 Dan Morrissey         17h37'15"    03'02" 
 7 M.Donnelly Stamullen  17h39'58"    05'45" 
 8 Irish Road Club  B    17h40'05"    05'52" 
 9 Dave Kane N C C       17h43'42"    09'29" 
10 Cycleways             18h06'49"    32'36" 
11 Naas Fig Roll         18h22'19"    48'06" 
12 Wil-Lec Panoramic     19h25'08"  1h50'55" 
KOM Cat 1 at Dromara
 PL No. Name         Tm  Pts Sec 
  1 103 O'Donaghue,E     6pt     
  2  25 Gardiner,D       5pt     
  3  17 Dempsey,J        4pt     
  4  72 Gleeson,V        3pt     
  5  97 Clarke,R         2pt     
  6  24 Stewart,B        1pt     
KOM Cat 2 at Rathfriland
 PL No. Name         Tm  Pts Sec 
  1  55 Easton,D         5pt     
  2  82 Holden,R         4pt     
  3   1 Barry,T          3pt     
  4  36 Dempsey,J        2pt     
  5  78 Sweeney,P        1pt     
KOM Cat 1 at Castlewellan
 PL No. Name         Tm  Pts Sec 
  1  51 Storen,M         6pt     
  2 118 Sharkey,P        5pt     
  3  55 Easton,D         4pt     
  4  81 Roche,A          3pt     
  5  54 Doherty,B        2pt     
  6   1 Barry,T          1pt     
KOM Cat 3 at Ardglass
 PL No. Name         Tm  Pts Sec 
  1  55 Easton,D         3pt     
  2  35 Hogan,T          2pt     
  3  54 Doherty,B        1pt     
Mountains Competition
 PL No. Name         TM  Pts 
  1  55 Easton,D          22 
  2  81 Roche,A           15 
  3  17 Dempsey,J         13 
  4  82 Holden,R           8 
  5  35 Hogan,T            8 
  6  54 Doherty,B          8 
  7  25 Gardiner,D         8 
  8 103 O'Donaghue,E       6 
  9  10 Peelo,D            6 
  9  51 Storen,M           6 
 11  37 McMahon,K          5 
 12  97 Clarke,R           5 
 13 118 Sharkey,P          5 
 14   1 Barry,T            4 
 15  72 Gleeson,V          3 
 16  85 O'Leary,F          2 
 17  36 Dempsey,J          2 
 18  24 Stewart,B          1 
 19  78 Sweeney,P          1 
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(c) Seamus Shortall 2001  -
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